Building XP/VISTA
Quick Start Guide for Hilti PD38
1 . Before You Begin….
Recommendation: Before using SiteMaster software,
read and understand the manual of your PC/UMPC,
especially about using stylus and Bluetooth. Also read the
manual of your laser meter, especially on using Bluetooth.
Switch On
1. Laser meter by pressing the
- By default, on the Hilti the Bluetooth is always
on. The Bluetooth Symbol ‘a keyhole’ will show,
(once connected it has brackets around it)
2. Windows XP
- Switch on device
- Switch the
Bluetooth ON
, on the device
Start SiteMaster Building
by double clicking
the icon on the Desktop:
The Bluetooth connection wizard
assists you in setting up a
connection to the Hilti.
- Search… for Bluetooth
to find Bluetooth devices.
Found devices will be
Select device from list
- then
- Laser meter confi rms
with beep and brackets
appear around the
Bluetooth symbol
- Click
SiteMaster starts with Icon Menu »Plan Menu«
Continue e.g. with Walls > Wall
Switch Off
1. SiteMaster Building…..
- Save the drawing..use FILE > SAVE or the save icon
- Close Icon Menu (if open) to do this click the red cross
- File > Exit, Bluetooth connection is closed automatically
- Switch off PC (If required)
2. Laser distance meter:
- (Bluetooth symbol brackets disappear from display)
- Switch off laser device (press ON/OFF button)
File Formats
SiteMaster Building saves and opens these CAD file formats:
• FLX: SiteMaster drawing
• DWG: AutoCAD
• DXF: DXF format
• DWF: Design-Web-Format (export only)
Use File > Save As to save in these formats
Use File > Open > and set the file type to open them
SiteMaster starts with the ‘Plan Menu’….
First things
first…’where do I
Do the survey
how you want the
finished drawing
to look.
i.e. Start with the
Entrance at the
bottom of the
screen…draw the
horizontal wall
that the entrance
is in, then draw
the rest of the
walls in the room. Then draw the doors, this gets you into the next
For simplicity, have a go with the 90 degree method to get started.
Select Walls > Wall and pick somewhere on screen…
note that
a red circle appears….this is where you are drawing from, and is
typical for the rest of the software.
TRY Drawing just a rectangular room to get started…measure
2 sides and the select the DONE > CLOSE WALL > RECT DIST
Then jump to the ‘Add room area data’.
Sitemaster only has 2 ways to draw…90 degree and Triangulation.
Master these and you can draw anything
Main principle of Sitemaster is to draw the wall structure of a room,
place the area calculation, add in detail…pillars, recesses, doors
windows and then symbols.
(area’s and symbols not available in LT version)
Getting from room to room is done using the door command…as
you place a door you are given the option to draw the walls on
either side of the doorway in the next room. Once drawn, simply
connect onto the ends of these walls to begin and complete the
next room. If not drawn, connect to the sides of the door lines.
Also, the software is a FULL CAD package with SiteMaster tools
built on top. Have a look at the ‘Draw’ and ‘Edit’ modules. All the
usual tools, OFFSET, TRIM CORNER, ERASE etc.
Working in 90 degree mode with a Leica
(when in the Wall command)
Whenever you see the dialogue box above, you are working in ‘90
degree mode’
With the Hilti, as soon as you have taken a
measurement it will appear in the Sitemaster
dialogue box.
Take a measurement with the
larger ‘DIST’
Press an arrow button
SCREEN… to indicate which
direction you want to draw… UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT
Repeat above for other walls in a room
Note: You can also manually type in measurements and then click
a direction arrow on screen.
The ‘Width’ drop down allows you to specify a wall thickness
(picking or typing). Sitemaster will then draw 2 parallel lines for
each wall.
TRY Drawing just a rectangular room to get started…measure
2 sides and the select the DONE > CLOSE WALL > RECT DIST
Note: The direction selected will be relative to how the drawing is
on the screen. UP will draw UP the screen, LEFT will draw towards
the left of the screen etc.
Once you have drawn a full
room perimeter you will have
to exit the ‘Add Wall’ menu…..
To finish off ANY walls you
MUST ALWAYS click the
button in the ‘Add
Wall’ dialogue and then select
one of the ‘Wall Exit Options’
The ‘Close wall’ option will give
further methods to close a room off.
Use the ‘Direct distance’ to close to
where you started from.
‘Intersect’ to close and corner.
‘Rectangular’ if you have drawn 2 sides of a rect shape room
I often use ‘Leave Wall Open’ so I can measure any closing error
using the ‘Inspection’ …’Pick Dist’.
Use’ EDIT > Trim Corner’ to manually close.