Software architecture
Boot process
Each power-on cycle starts with the execution of the ROM code. The ROM
code is responsible for booting the device in a secure and reliable manner
and for starting the firmware.
It features an integrated bootloader that automatically recognizes the
operating mode settings and the initial state of the device.
In “standard boot mode”, the ROM code searches for a valid
communication firmware image and – if available – starts it.
Besides the standard boot mode, the bootloader supports a “console mode”
and an “alternative boot mode” that enable the handling of firmware
programming. The ROM code enters console mode or alternative boot
mode on the following conditions:
After a software reset cycle if the application has initiated the mode
beforehand. The software reset can be triggered by a mailbox packet
service from the application side (refer to
in the
cifX API Programming reference guide
, DOC121201PRxxEN). The
packet service includes parameters for the reset type to be executed.
After a hardware reset if the RDY / RUN pins have been set accordingly
beforehand (see figure
Pin configuration for operating
After a hardware reset cycle if no valid firmware image (*
) can be found
netX 90 | Production guide
DOC190101PG03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2019