Legal notes
© Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation mbH
All rights reserved.
The images, photographs and texts in the accompanying materials (in the
form of a user's manual, operator's manual, Statement of Work document
and all other document types, support texts, documentation, etc.) are
protected by German and international copyright and by international trade
and protective provisions. Without the prior written consent, you do not
have permission to duplicate them either in full or in part using technical or
mechanical methods (print, photocopy or any other method), to edit them
using electronic systems or to transfer them. You are not permitted to make
changes to copyright notices, markings, trademarks or ownership
declarations. Illustrations are provided without taking the patent situation
into account. Any company names and product designations provided in
this document may be brands or trademarks by the corresponding owner
and may be protected under trademark, brand or patent law. Any form of
further use shall require the express consent from the relevant owner of the
Important notes
Utmost care was/is given in the preparation of the documentation at hand
consisting of a user's manual, operating manual and any other document
type and accompanying texts. However, errors cannot be ruled out.
Therefore, we cannot assume any guarantee or legal responsibility for
erroneous information or liability of any kind. You are hereby made aware
that descriptions found in the user's manual, the accompanying texts and
the documentation neither represent a guarantee nor any indication on
proper use as stipulated in the agreement or a promised attribute. It cannot
be ruled out that the user's manual, the accompanying texts and the
documentation do not completely match the described attributes, standards
or any other data for the delivered product. A warranty or guarantee with
respect to the correctness or accuracy of the information is not assumed.
We reserve the right to modify our products and the specifications for such
as well as the corresponding documentation in the form of a user's manual,
operating manual and/or any other document types and accompanying
texts at any time and without notice without being required to notify of said
modification. Changes shall be taken into account in future manuals and do
not represent an obligation of any kind, in particular there shall be no right
to have delivered documents revised. The manual delivered with the
product shall apply.
Under no circumstances shall Hilscher Gesellschaft für Systemautomation
mbH be liable for direct, indirect, ancillary or subsequent damage, or for
any loss of income, which may arise after use of the information contained
netX 90 | Production guide
DOC190101PG03EN | Revision 3 | English | 2019-07 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2019