Brief description
Core Services
The netFIELD OS core services include the support of hardware interfaces,
the network environment, secure communication and system logging. In
order to support the customer in setting up the gateway configuration, the
Local Device Manager is coming along with the core services. With the
open plug-in mechanism, the functionality of the Local Device Manager can
be easily extended with the help of containerized applications.
Container Management
Application containers can run in the IoT Edge Docker or Standard Docker
environment and do contain business logic such as for data acquisition,
analytics, processing or connectivity to cloud or enterprise systems.
The container management provides the functionality to pull and run
containers on the device itself. Before a container can be run, its image
needs to be pulled from a certain container registry. After that the container
is created, the application can be then controlled by using the start / stop
commands or by enabling the autostart option. Also, the deletion of
containers and images is a part of container management. In order to
enable the field devices for off- and online scenarios, netFIELD OS
provides two Docker runtime environments at the same time.
The IoT Edge Docker environment is managed by the platform
remotely. That is why there is no need to have direct access to the
netFIELD Device, as long as the device can hold his connection to Administrators can be anywhere and have full management
access to the device with the stored images and has the ability to control
the application containers remotely. Otherwise, the Standard Docker can
be used locally if the netFIELD device is not connected to In
this case, the Standard Docker runtime environment can be managed by
the Local Device Manager, by the netFIELD OS command line interface or
by a web application like, which can be deployed as container.
Figure 2: netFIELD OS container management
netFIELD OnPremise | User manual
DOC200901UM02EN | Revision 2 | English | 2021-06 | Released | Public
© Hilscher 2021