Technical Data
PC Cards cifX Compact PCI, Mini PCI, Mini PCIe, PCI-104 | Installation, Operation and Hardware Description
DOC120205UM53EN | Revision 53 | English | 2019-03 | Released | Public
© Hilscher, 2008-2019
10.4 Technical Data of the Communication Protocols
10.4.1 CC-Link IE Field Basic Slave
Maximum number of cyclic input data
RY data: 128 bytes (1024 bits)
RWw data: 512 words (16 bit)
Maximum number of cyclic output data
RX data: 128 bytes (1024 bits)
RWr data: 512 words (16 bit)
Occupied stations
1 … 16
(1 station has 64 bits RY data, 32 words RWw data, 64 bits RX
data, and 32 words RWr data.)
Acyclic communication
SLMP Server and Client
Data transport layer
Ethernet II, IEEE 802.3
Baud rate
100 MBit/s
Reference to firmware / stack version
Cyclic data
61450 (UDP)
Discovery and SLMP Server
61451 (UDP)
SLMP Parameter
45237 (UDP)
SLMP Communication
20000 (UDP)
Table 169: Technical data CC-Link IE Field Basic Slave protocol