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MTEC.5800.GB-H-1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English Rev. H 02-2021

Multiple instructions: 


Read and understand 
the instructions before 
undertaking any work on 
the unit



Incorporated in this document are the following:
•  Declaration of conformity
•  Technical manual
•  Dimensional drawing


Original instructions

Содержание SHA 100

Страница 1: ...v H 02 2021 Multiple instructions RQVXOW WKH VSHFL F SDUW Read and understand the instructions before undertaking any work on the unit RETAIN FOR FUTURE REFERENCE Incorporated in this document are the following Declaration of conformity Technical manual Dimensional drawing TECHNICAL MANUAL Original instructions ...

Страница 2: ...es regarding the use of its products 526 6 S IROORZV D SROLF RI FRQWLQXRXV SURGXFW GHYHORSPHQW DQG LPSURYHPHQW DQG UHVHUYHV WKH ULJKW WR PRGLI VSHFL FDWLRQV HTXL pment and instructions regarding use and maintenance at any time without notice Declaration of conformity We declare under our own responsibility that the below equipment complies in all parts with the CEE and EN directives 7KH GHFODUDWLR...

Страница 3: ...ARACTERISTICS 3 1 Unit description 3 2 Accessories 3 3 Technical data 3 4 Operation limits 3 5 Sound data 3 6 Safety devices 4 INSTALLATION 4 1 General safety guidelines and and use of symbols 4 2 Health and safety Considerations 4 3 Personal protective equipment 4 4 Inspection 4 5 Storage 4 6 Unpacking 4 7 Lifting and handling 4 8 Location and minimum technical clearances 4 9 Condensate draining ...

Страница 4: ...e the set points 6 5 Acoustic signal silencing 6 6 Display during alarm 6 7 Alarm reset 7 MAINTENANCE OF THE UNIT 7 1 General warnings 7 2 Drive access 7 3 Scheduled maintenance 7 4 Periodical checks 7 5 Refrigerant circuit repair 8 DECOMMISSIONING 8 1 Disconnect the unit 8 2 Disposal recovery and recycling 8 3 RAEE Directive only UE 9 DIAGNOSIS AND TROUBLESHOOTING DXOW QGLQJ 10 DIMENSIONAL DRAWIN...

Страница 5: ...hese instructions are intended to provide the information required for the selection installation use and maintenance of the unit They have been prepared in accordance with the European Union laws and with the technical standards in force at the date of issue of the instructions The instructions contain all the necessary information to prevent any reasonably foreseeable misuse The manual must be k...

Страница 6: ...nce with iee regulations Low pressure safety valve Poisoning severe burns High evaporating pres sure causing a refgrig erant discharge during maintenance Carefully check the evaporating pressure dur ing the maintenance operations Use all personal protective equipment required by the law PPE must also protect against gas leaks from the safety valve The outlet of these valves is di rected to avoid c...

Страница 7: ... black graphic symbol added to a yellow triangle with black edges indicates danger ACTION REQUIRED A white symbol inserted in a blue circle indicates an action that must be done to avoid a risk 7KH JUDSKLF V PERO ZDUQLQJ LV TXDOL HG ZLWK DGGLWLRQDO VDIHW LQIRUPDWLRQ WH W RU RWKHU V PEROV Safety symbols combined in accordance with ISO 3864 2 1 7 General Description of Symbols Used Safety symbols co...

Страница 8: ...ature that could create risks SHARP SURFACES The symbol indicates components or parts that could cause stab wounds EARTH CONNECTION 7KH V PERO LGHQWL HV DUWKLQJ FRQQHFWLRQ SRLQWV LQ WKH XQLW READ AND UNDERSTAND THE INSTRUCTIONS Read and understand the instructions of the machine before any operations RECOVER OR RECYCLE MATERIAL 1 8 Safety symbols used The unit is not suitable for operations in env...

Страница 9: ... GWP Carica refrigerante Refrigerant charge C1 C3 C2 Min Max Min Max C4 F L A A F L I kW PS Temperatura di progetto Design temperature Peso a vuoto Weight Temperatura di progetto Design temperature CO2 Equivalente CO2 Equivalente Data di fabbricazione Manifacture date PS Via E Mattei 20 35028 Piove di Sacco PD Italy 39 049 9731022 info hidros it www hidros eu MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and mainten...

Страница 10: ...ces are regulated under the Montreal Protocol revised 1992 and regulations EC no 2037 200 of 29 June 2000 Discharges into the atmosphere of this product does not cause a long term contamination Wear protective clothing and gloves protect your eyes and face 5HIULJHUDQW KDQGOLQJ Users and maintenance personnel must be adequately informed about the possible risks of handling potentially toxic substan...

Страница 11: ...erson away from the source of exposure keep him her warm and let him her rest Administer oxygen if necessary Attempt DUWL FLDO UHVSLUDWLRQ LI EUHDWKLQJ KDV VWRSSHG RU VKRZV VLQJV RI VWRSSLQJ I WKH KHDUW VWRSV SHUIRUP H WHUQDO KHDUW PDVVDJH 6HHN PHGLFDO assistance In case of contact with skin wash immediately with lukewarm water Thaw tissue using water Remove contaminated clothing Clothing may stic...

Страница 12: ...G WKH WKLFNQHVV RI WKH DOXPLQLXP QV LV PP 7KH WXEHV DUH PHFKDQLFDOO H SDQGHG LQWR WKH DOXPLQLXP QV to improve the heat exchange factor The geometry of these heat exchangers guarantees a low air side pressure drop and then the use of low rotation and low noise emission fans All units are supplied standard with a stainless steel drip tray and all evaporators are supplied with a temperature sensor us...


Страница 14: ...and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV Performances are calculated with low fan speed and are referred to the following conditions 1 Without electric heater 2 Room temperature 30 C water temperature 80 70 C at compressor OFF 5RRP WHPSHUDWXUH ZDWHU WHPSHUDWXUH 4 Sound power level calculated according to ISO 9614 fan with available static pressure 50 Pa 6RXQG SUHVVXU...

Страница 15: ...tion factors HOWA The hot water coil capacity in different conditions can be obtained multiplying the nominal capacity See above by the correction factor indicated in the table The graphic below shows the pressure drops of the hydraulic circuit that includes the hot water coil and the 3 way modulating valve Pressure drops kPa HDWLQJ FRLO ZDWHUÁRZ O K Models SHA Hot water coil capacity DWHUÁRZ Wate...

Страница 16: ...pacity in different conditions can be obtained multiplying the nominal capacity See above by the correction factor indicated in the table The graphic below shows the pressure drops of the hydraulic circuit that includes the desuperheater Pressure drops kPa DWHUÁRZ O K Models SHA Capacity DWHUÁRZ Water pressure drops 3 3 4 Desuperheater Accessory HOWA Correction factors Difference between water inl...

Страница 17: ...0 1200 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 0 50 100 150 200 250 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 SHA 050 SHA 075 SHA 100 SHA 150 153 SHA 200 203 m3 h Nom Med Med Nom Nom Nom Nom Max Max Max Max Min Min m3 h m3 h m3 h m3 h Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV 3 3 7 Fans ...

Страница 18: ...be used within the operation limit indicated in the diagrams see above the warranty will be inva lidated if the units are used in ambient conditions outside the limits reported If there is the necessity to operate in GLIIHUHQW FRQGLWLRQV SOHDVH FRQWDFW RXU WHFKQLFDO RI FH RH Room temperature C The units are designed to operate within false ceiling and or heated technical room The units are NOT sui...

Страница 19: ...LWFK The high pressure switch stops the unit when the discharge compressor pressure is higher than the set value The restart is automatic done when the pressure is under the level set in the differential value 3 8 2 Defrost probe It s a device which signals to the electronic control the necessity to make the defrost cycle Once the defrost cycle is activated the defrost probe determines also its co...

Страница 20: ...not insert any objects into moving parts HQHUDO VDIHW JXLGHOLQHV DQG DQG XVH RI V PEROV When operating and maintaining the unit use the following personal protective equipment listed below as required by law Protective footwear Eye protection Protective gloves Respiratory protection Hearing protection 4 2 Health and safety Considerations 4 3 Personal protective equipment The workplace must be kept...

Страница 21: ...oods After this time any claim will not be considered A full written report is required for cases of severe damage 6WRUDJH Units should be stored under cover and ideally should remain in their packaging The tools that are supplied for opening the electrics box should be formally transferred to the person responsible for the plant 8QSDFNLQJ It is advisable to leave packaged units during handling an...

Страница 22: ...ifting apparatus platforms or other lifting systems required to perform repairs during warranty period The installation site should be chosen in accordance with EN 378 1 and 378 3 standards When choosing the installation site all risks caused by accidental refrigerant leakage should be taken into consideration In the main european markets the minimum distance of electric appliances from water sour...

Страница 23: ...talled directly in factory as showed in the picturet It is controlled directly by the board This option is available only in combination with the electronic probe RGDD It is not available in combination with remote mechanical hygrostat 7KH FRQGHQVDWH GUDLQ OLQH VKRXOG KDYH D ZDWHU WUDS ZKLFK PD KDYH PLQLPXP À LQJ KHLJKW HTXDO WR WKH VXFWLRQ RI the fan in any case never less than 35 mm The inlet ma...

Страница 24: ... GRZQ DV VKRZQ LQ WKH LPDJH EHORZ 4 11 How to vent the unit For a correct operation of the system it is mandatory to remove the air from the hydraulic circuit To do that it s recommended to use the proper vent valve positioned in front of the unit see picture 4 13 Desuperheater connection RP01 7KH GHVXSHUKHDWHU LV IDFWRU WWHG W LV FRQWUROOHG E D FLUFXODWLRQ SXPS QRW VXSSOLHG GLUHFWO PDQDJHG E WKH ...

Страница 25: ...to be plugged in and connected to a system with MODBUS protocol This system allows you to remotely monitor all parameters of the unit and change their YDOXHV 7KH VHULDO LQWHUIDFH ERDUG LV QRUPDOO WWHG DW WKH IDFWRU ZKHUH LW LV SURYLGHG VHSDUDWHO LV QHFHVVDU WR UHVSHFW WKH SRODULW RI WKH wiring as shown in the diagram Any reversal of polarity will result in the non functioning unit The supervision ...

Страница 26: ...rder to limit the noise it is necessary that the air speed inside ducts would never exceed 4 m sec With crossing KLJK VSHHG LW JUHDWO UHGXFHV WKH GHKXPLGL FDWLRQ FDSDFLW RI WKH XQLW DQG LQFUHDVHV WKH ULVN RI GUDJJLQJ RI ZDWHU FRQGHQVDWLRQ LQ WKH DLU GXFWV ZLWK D SRWHQWLDO GDPDJH WR WKH IXUQLWXUH DQG RU ÀRRULQJ Air ducts on the return side Air ducts on the supply side LU GXFW LQJ DW WKH VXSSO DQG U...

Страница 27: ...Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV 4 17 Grille kit and case for ducted version KGBH 5HPRWH PHFKDQLFDO K JURVWDW LQVWDOODWLRQ 5 7KH UHPRWH PHFKDQLFDO KXPLGLVWDW 5 PXVW EH LQVWDOOHG LQ WKH URRP WR EH WUHDWHG DW P DERYH WKH ÀRRU ZDOO PRXQWHG LQ D position such as not receive external irradiations or air drafts It should be noted that the values in the nu...

Страница 28: ... diagram enclosed with the unit The cable section must be commensurate with the calibration of the system side protection and must take into DFFRXQW DOO WKH IDFWRUV WKDW PD LQÀXHQFH WHPSHUDWXUH W SH RI LQVXODWLRQ OHQJWK HWF Power supply must respect the reported tolerances and limits If those tolerances should not be respected the warranty will be invalidated ORZ VZLWFKHV PXVW EH FRQQHFWHG IROORZL...

Страница 29: ... power cord to the terminal block in the cabinet After connecting all cable carefully close the front panel The electrical data reported below refer to the standard unit without accessories In all other cases refer to the data reported in the attached electrical wiring diagrams 7KH OLQH YROWDJH ÀXFWXDWLRQV FDQ QRW EH PRUH WKDQ RI WKH QRPLQDO YDOXH ZKLOH WKH YROWDJH XQEDODQFH EHWZHHQ RQH SKDVH DQG ...

Страница 30: ...ot be blocked REMOTE ON OFF To switch the unit on or off from remote control Contacts are voltage free Le unità sono fornite di serie dalla fabbrica con morsetti ponticellati Contact closed unit ON Contact open unit OFF ROOM HYGROSTAT UA Only if remote mechanical hygrostat HYGR is used Contact UA open unit off Contact UA closed unit in operation All terminals referred to in the explanations below ...

Страница 31: ...t crankcase heaters are powered correctly if present Check that all water connections are properly installed and all indications on unit labels are observed 7KH V VWHP PXVW EH ÀXVKHG OOHG DQG YHQWHG LQ RUGHU WR HOLPLQDWH DQ DLU Check that the water temperatures are within the operation limits reported in the manual Before start up check that all panels are replaced in the proper position and locke...

Страница 32: ...sensor installed allows the display of the following icons 1 click The bottom line displays Tamb room temperature 2 clicks The bottom line displays rH room humidity In standard mode with mechanical thermostat hygrostat allows the display of the following icons the top line displays the label TOn room temperature request or TOff room temperature in set the bottom line displays the label UOn room hu...

Страница 33: ...in the bottom line will appear the label SETH 3UHVV IRU VHFRQGV DQG UHOHDVH LQ WKH PDLQ GLVSOD makes it possible to modify the set points Icon Meaning Icon Meaning Not used Not used Compressors 1 and 2 Not used HKXPLGL FDWLRQ High Pressure Not used General Alarm Unit fan Not used On if the unit is turned on XQFWLRQ PHQX DFWLYH OHFWULF KHDWHU RU ZDWHU YDOYH DFWLYDWHG Not used 5 3 1 Display icons Th...

Страница 34: ...e display of the following icons the top line displays the label TOn room temperature request or TOff room temperature in set the bottom line displays the label UOn room humidity request or UOff room humidity in set In programming mode it allows the user to scroll through parameter codes or to change values 7KH UHPRWH FRQWURO SDQHO LV PRXQWHG RQ D SDQHO ZLWK PP FXW RXW HG ZLWK VFUHZ To obtain IP65...

Страница 35: ...ans are running 10 Icon ON Electric heater or water valve activated 3 Icon ON if the compressor is turned on Icon blinking if the compressor is the ignition timing 11 Not used 4 FRQ 21 HKXPLGL FDWLRQ F FOH DFWLYDWHG 12 Icon blinking on alarm 5 Not used 13 Not used 6 Icon ON the unit is on 14 Counter between two defrost cycles 7 Not used 15 Icon ON the display shows the room temperature or hu midit...

Страница 36: ...ical thermostat hygrostat Unit in drip time after defrost Unit equipped with mechanical thermostat hygrostat In order to power the unit turn the main switch to the ON position a In case of electronic sensor the display shows room temperature in the top line e room humidity in the bottom line b In case of remote mechanical thermostat hygrostat the display shows tOFF UOFF temperature humidity off un...

Страница 37: ...make sure that you do not create situations that FRQÀLFW ZLWK WKH RWKHU VHW SDUDPHWHUV RZ WR FKDQJH WKH VHW SRLQWV Display in stand by mode Display in OFF from remote contact All set points are intended as room conditions Select the required set point pressing the key The label appears at the bottom of the display SEtI Room humidity set point SEtH Room temperature set point To set the required set...

Страница 38: ... the list of the active alarms There are two types of alarms 5HVHW DODUPV RST label appears on the upper part of the display In this case press the key to reset 1RQ UHVHW DODUPV The nO label appears on the upper part of the display In this case the alarm is permanent contact the Company Um einen einwandfreien und energetisch sinnvollen Betrieb des Luftentfeuchters zu gewährleisten ist nach VDI 208...

Страница 39: ...requirements of the previous paragraphs Use personal protective equipment required by regulations as compressor casings and discharge pipes are at high WHPSHUDWXUHV RLO QV DUH VKDUS DQG SUHVHQW D FXWWLQJ KD DUG If the unit is not to be used during the winter period the water contained in the pipes may freeze and cause serious damage In this event fully drain the water from the pipes checking that ...

Страница 40: ...o the type size age and use of the system and to the indications contained in the Manual Servicing during the unit s operating lifetime and in particular scheduled leak detection on site inspections and check ups of safety equipment must be carried out as provided by local laws and regulations in force XULQJ LWV RSHUDWLQJ OLIH WKH XQLW VKDOO EH LQVSHFWHG DQG YHUL HG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK DSSOLFDEOH O...

Страница 41: ...pply voltage of the unit X Check tightness of cables in their clamps X Check the integrity of the insulating coating of power cables X Check the conditions and functioning of the counters X Check functioning of the microprocessor and of the display X Clean the electrical and electronic components of any dust X Check functioning and calibration of probes and transducers X RQGHQVLQJ FRLOV DQG IDQV A...

Страница 42: ...HIRUH EUD LQJ XVLQJ the proper alloys If the refrigerant circuit is to be emptied all the refrigerant must be recovered using the correct equipment Never use oxygen instead of nitrogen explosions may occur Daily and monthly works may be carried out directly by the Owner of the system All other works must be perfor med by authorised and trained personnel Any kind of cleaning whatsoever is forbidden...

Страница 43: ...that binds the disposal mode of components 8 3 RAEE Directive only UE This product is included in the application of Directive 2012 19 EU on the management of waste electrical and electronic equipment WEEE The unit should not be treated with household waste as it is made of different materials that can be recycled at the appropriate facilities Inform through the municipal authority about the locat...

Страница 44: ... Too low airfolw or high room temperature KHFN WKH OWHUV LI QHFHV sary replace them In P versions check the pressu re drop of the ducts AloP Low pressure Yes Yes Refrigerant charge lea kage Contact the Company APBa APBi Room temperature probe sensor alarm PBa Yes No Replace faulty sensor Contact the Company APBu Room humidity probe sensor alarmPBu Yes No Atdf Defrost time too long Yes Yes Warning ...

Страница 45: ...10 37 710 37 784 710 62 580 700 50 354 260 145 326 OPZIONALE OPTIONAL Rp Ep Es Cd 20 mm IN Ø 12 OUT Ø 12 SHA 50 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV REMOVABLE PANEL ELECTRICAL PANEL POWER SUPPLY DRAIN INLET CONDENSATE DRAIN USER WATER INLET USER WATER OUTLET 10 DIMENSIONAL DRAWINGS ...


Страница 47: ...204 37 1160 37 1234 890 Ep 62 50 530 306 337 Rp Ep Es Cd 20 mm IN Ø 12 OUT Ø 12 IN 2 Ø 12 OUT 2 Ø 12 SHA 150 153 200 203 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV REMOVABLE PANEL ELECTRICAL PANEL POWER SUPPLY DRAIN INLET CONDENSATE DRAIN USER WATER INLET USER WATER OUTLET DESUPERHEATER WATER INLET DESUPERHEATER WATER OUTLET ...

Страница 48: ...Rev H 02 2021 48 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV ...

Страница 49: ...Rev H 02 2021 49 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV ...

Страница 50: ...Rev H 02 2021 50 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV ...

Страница 51: ...Rev H 02 2021 51 MTEC 5800 GB H 1 Operation and maintenance manual SHA series English SHA 6ZLPPLQJSRRO GHKXPLGL HUV ...

Страница 52: ...Z KLGURV LW 3 9 H ƒ 5 2 Technical data shown in this booklet are not binding 7KH RPSDQ VKDOO KDYH WKH ULJKW WR LQWURGXFH DW DQ WLPH ZKDWHYHU PRGL FDWLRQV QHFHVVDU WR WKH LPSURYHPHQW RI WKH SURGXFW The reference languages for the whole documentation are Italian and English The other languages are to be considered only as guidelines ...
