In the unlikely event that this product should fail please contact the retailer
from which the item was purchased.
To preserve the high quality finish of your HiB product, please ensure you
regard the following care and cleaning recommendations:
Use only a soft damp cloth.
Wipe off all water spillages as soon as possible.
Do not use
any abrasives or solvents.
WEEE compliance
Must not be mixed with
general household waste
©HiB Copyright: No part of this document may be reprinted or duplicated without HiB consent. All sizes and measurements are approximate, but we do try
and make sure they are as accurate as possible. In the interest of continuous product development, HiB reserves the right to alter specifications as necessary.
E & OE.
+44 (0)20 8441 0352
+44 (0)20 8441 0219
Building 3, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, New Southgate, London. N11 1GN
Fig 5. - Adjusting the direction
of illumination
Adjusting the illuminated sides,
Fig. 5.
The illuminated sides can be folded in
90 degrees and pushed back flush to the
mirror glass.
Please do not apply excessive force to
the illuminated sides to ensure the mirror
remains on it’s fixings.