Mutant Bassdrum
Mutant Bassdrum assembly tips v1.05
hexinverter.net electronics, 2014
eurorack analogue bassdrum DIY assembly tips v1.05
This guide should help you on the quest to build yourself a hexinverter Mutant Bassdrum eurorack module
from a PCB/faceplate set.
It is not a full blown step-by-step guide like with hexinverter
full kit
assumes you have successfully built some easier projects before from full kits (such as Orbitals, Galilean
Moons, etc.)
As with all hexinverter DIY projects,
you should NOT blindly trust the Mouser Project Cart provided
. It is
meant to save you the pain of searching for every common part on Mouser, but
, that doesn’t mean you don’t
still have to go through the BoM line by line and make sure you’ve sourced each part for your build!
I promise
you will
be happy if you blindly order the cart, expecting to receive 100% of the components you need for
the build – you cannot acquire all the pieces you need from Mouser alone! So make sure to read the Google
Docs hosted bill of materials for the project. I suggest printing it out and checking each item off line by line
to make sure you’ve accounted for it in your parts orders. I list sources in the BoM when available and even
provide handy comments to help you find parts easier. And if you can’t find something, pop by the
Muffwiggler Music Tech DIY Forum
thread for the project and someone (perhaps myself) will help you out
there so others can benefit from the answer to your problem as well.
STEP 1: Board-level components