Technik für Möbel
Dimensions in millimeters (inch approximations as noted). Subject to technical modifications without notice.
Drawer slides for wooden drawers
Technical information
Mounting specifications – (Quadro V6 / Quadro 4D V6, face frame application)
Cabinet front edge
Min. setback for inset or roll out tray =
Decorative drawer front thi 3.5 mm (1/8“).
Trial recommended! See details below for adjustment possiblities.
Blocking behind frame
Minimum/maximum cabinet depth (see below)
(Rear attachment options see page 12)
Face frame application with
overlay decorative front
Face frame application with
inset decorative front
Front gap 1.5 mm (1/16“)
Setback 2 mm (3/32“)
10 mm (3/8“)
37 mm (1 7/16“)
Inset application increases minimum cabinet depth!
Drawer box length
Min-Max cabinet depth with
metal rear attachment
Min-Max cabinet depth with
plastic rear attachment (TennTex C-307)
229 mm (9") Quadro V6
250 - 300 mm
(9 7/8“ - 11 3/4“)
270 - 297 mm
(10 5/8“ - 11 11/16“)
305 mm
326 - 376 mm
(12 7/8“ - 14 3/4“)
346 - 373 mm
(13 5/8“ - 14 11/16“)
381 mm
402 - 452 mm
(15 7/8“ - 17 3/4“)
422 - 449 mm
(16 5/8“ - 17 11/16“)
457 mm
479 - 529 mm (18 7/8“ - 20 3/4“)
498 - 525 mm (19 5/8“ - 20 11/16“)
533 mm
555 - 605 mm
(21 7/8“ - 23 3/4“)
574 - 601 mm
(22 5/8“ - 23 11/16“)
610 mm (24")
631 mm (24 7/8“) no rear attachment, must be blocked out
Minimum / maximum cabinet depth (Quadro V6 / Quadro 4D V6, face frame application)