1) Prepare a suitable location for your new fountain – flat,
level, and firm. Set the 6719 Fiberglass Pool down on this foundation.
Check the Stand Pipe to make sure it is tight – or – if the stand pipe
is not already installed, thread it in using plumber’s teflon tape
to make sure the pool can remain watertight.
2) Place pump in the center of the pool and push its power cord
down through the stand pipe. Your fountain connection kit also
comes with four small stainless steel brackets and four screws
used to hold the Henri Studio AB874L light set in place. If
you chose to use this optional light kit, now is the time to place
the lights in the bowl and run its power cord down through the
stand pipe. With help, lift the pool and pull the extra power
cord down and out away from the pool toward your power
source. Reset the pool and then use the brackets to mount
a light to each of the four light mounting couplings you
will find in the floor of the pool.
3) Open the slit/s in the Rubber Stopper and place the
power cord/s in the molded grooves. (The biggest groove
is for the pump cord. The corks will keep the stopper sealed
unless you need to pull one out and use that groove for an
optional light cord.) Close the slit/s and push the stopper
into the top of the stand pipe.
4) Thread the smaller barb adapter into the
pump and push a long water tube onto it.
Secure with a clamp. Place a flow restrictor
a few inches above the clamp by tightening
it just enough to hold it in place.
5) Set the 7651 Pedestal
in the pool, around the
pump and standpipe.
Pull the water tube up
through the pedestal.
6) Thread the 12” long stand pipe into the hole in the floor of the 6649S Bowl. With plenty of
help, slowly lower the bowl onto the pedestal, but before you set it all the way down, slip the top
end of the water tube up through the bowl and stand pipe. Now, you can set the bowl all the way
Make sure to place your fountain on a firm
area which will not settle. Note: Always
follow local electrical codes and use a
110V GFCI protected outlet.