Component Replacement
40K • 46K
1 . Clean and inspect the inner diameter of the torque rod end hubs, see Figure 8-45 .
use a paraffinic oil, or soap base lubricant . Such lubricants can cause adverse reactions
with the bushing, causing premature failure .
2 . Lubricate the inner diameter of the torque rod end hubs and the new bushings with NLGI#2 –
EP (Extreme Pressure) lithium base grease, see Figure 8-46 .
3 . Support the torque rod end hub centered on the receiving tool . Be sure the torque rod is
squarely supported on the press bed for safety .
4 . Re-align the bar pin bushings to the mark made before removal as shown in Figure 8-42 .
5 . Using the shop made tool, place the installer tool on the bushing and press in . The bushing
must be centered within the hub of the torque rod .
FIguRE 8‑45
FIguRE 8‑46
6 . Wipe off the excess lubricant .
7 . Install the torque rod as detailed in the Torque Rod Assembly instructions in this section .
A cross tube seldom requires replacement, usually only when it has been bent, possibly due to
hitting an object . A bent cross tube may cause misalignment of the axles, and must be replaced
immediately to eliminate abnormal tire wear .
Method 1 — Equalizing Beam Removal
- Follow the Equalizing Beam component replace-
ment procedure in this section . Within the procedure, after removal of the equalizing beams
when the equalizing beams are separated, remove and replace cross tube .
Method 2 — Center Bushing End plug Removal
Center Bushing End Plug (see Parts Lists section)
Cutting Torch
Welding Equipment
Hole Saw
1 . Use a work bay with a level surface .
2 . Chock the front steer axle wheels .
3 . Use a cutting torch to make two cuts in the cross tube, see Figure 8-47 .
4 . Remove the cut section of the cross tube and slide the remaining sections out of the center
bushings and discard .
5 . Use a 2½" hole saw and remove only one (1) center bushing end plug from the suspension .
Apply NLGI #2-EP (Extreme Pressure)
lubricant to the inner diameter of torque
rod end hub and bushings
Inspect and clean the inner
diameter of torque rod
end hubs