Helyxon 98.6 Fever Watch Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1


(For application Version 1.0)

Continuous Fever Monitoring System


(For application Version 1.0)

Simple    Smart    Safe

Содержание 98.6 Fever Watch

Страница 1: ...USER MANUAL For application Version 1 0 Continuous Fever Monitoring System USER MANUAL For application Version 1 0 Simple Smart Safe ...

Страница 2: ...USER MANUAL For application Version 1 0 Continuous Fever Monitoring System ...

Страница 3: ...ild Profile App Settings Temperature Monitoring Notifications Offline Temperature Monitoring CareNet Set up CareNet Notifications Reports Inbox Vaccination Calendar Error Messages Sensor Parts Specification Requirements Index 2 2 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 12 12 13 14 15 15 15 15 ...

Страница 4: ...iarize with the product please go ahead and watch the video You can also watch this in our Website or YouTube repeatedlyformoreclarity 4 After watching the video you can Enter your name and your mobile number to use the application Please use the right number as it will be used for synchronizing your data even in future User Registration 1 UnpackthesensordevicefromtheHelyxon s98 6FeverWatchpacketa...

Страница 5: ...4 Click Register to register your details with the mobile application 5 On successful registration the home screen will be displayed ...

Страница 6: ...rebyclickingonthePictureicon 7 Setthetemperaturereadingtypeto Celsius or Fahrenheit byclickingon eitherCorF 8 Enterthealarmtemperaturevalueinthetextfield Youcanalsochoosetousethedefaul value 9 ClickSavetoaddthechild sprofiletothemobileapplication 11 Incaseyouwanttoignoreentereddetails pleaseclickonCancelbutton 12 Once the child profile is saved the home screen will be displayed and you are ready t...

Страница 7: ...g functionality ofthemobileapplication 2 EnteryourDoctor soranyotheremergencycontactontheemergencycontactfield 3 Set audible to On Off When you switch On the audible the sensor will give a beep sound toalertyou andifyouswitchOfftheaudibleyouwon tbeabletohearthealertsound App Settings ...

Страница 8: ...g with connected cell phone You can later sync the data from sensor to mobile onceifyoubroughtneartothesensordevice 4 Select the right serial number compare it with the packages then choose on the pop up and then the sensor will connect to the app 5 After connecting to the sensor the home screen will display the child s temperature reading Sometimes it may takes while few seconds depending upon th...

Страница 9: ...ound mode to continuously inform the user of the child s temperaturereadingvariationsandwarnstheuserifimmediateactionisrequired 2 When the user is connected to the sensor with the mobile application running on foreground messages will be displayed on top of the temperature reading which will inform the user of the child sbodytemperaturevariations 3 Themessageswillinformtheuserifthetemperatureisnor...

Страница 10: ... When the temperature increases by 1 degree then the message Fever raises will e displayed on topofsensoricon 9 When the temperature decreases by 1 degree then the message Fever decreases will be displayedontopofsensoricon 10 When the temperature remains constant or the change is less than 1 degree then the message Fever willbedisplayedontopofsensoricon 11 An alert will be generated when the tempe...

Страница 11: ...otificationsCentrefromyourdevices 1 When you are away from your child and need your phone with you then you can turn on the offlinetemperaturemonitoringfeatureofthe98 6FeverWatchapplication 2 When offline mode is turned On from the settings page the sensor will record the temperaturereadingatpresetintervalsof15minutesandwillstorethedatainsensor smemory 3 Youcanthenconnecttothesensorandsynchronizet...

Страница 12: ...l measure your child s temperaturefromthesensor 1 As a user you can create a network with your friends family members and Doctor so that notifications generated by the mobile app for your child s temperature variations and temperature trendanalysisdatacanbesharedwithmembersinyournetwork ...

Страница 13: ...ctslistwhomyouwanttoaddtoyourCareNet 6 ClickdonetocreatetheCareNetwiththemembersyouadded 7 Themembersyouhaveaddedwillgetainviteontheirinboxtoacceptyourinvite 8 Once the members have accepted the invitation they will receive the notification from your mobileandwhentheeventshappenismentionedinnotification 9 In case if the member rejects your invite then they will not be part of your CareNet member a...

Страница 14: ...willalsobesenttoInboxofallmemberspresentinyourCareNet CareNetNotifications Reports 1 Click the Reports from the menu to view the temperature data in tabular format as well as Graph format 2 Youcananalyseyour child s temperature dataas chartso thatyou perform trend analysis onyour child stemperaturechanges ...

Страница 15: ...lottedwithdate timeandtemperaturereading 4 You can share the graph with your CareNet users by clicking on the Share link in top of the graph 5 ThegraphwillbesentasanimagetomembersofyourCareNet Inbox 1 Ifyouarememberofanotheruser sCareNetthenthenotificationsfromtheCareNetownerwillbe senttoyourInbox ...

Страница 16: ... Push Notification To send the Temperature Data while deleting the User While Creating Adding CareNet and their member To share the Temperature Graph To check the Fever TipsLinks Norecordsfound This error message will pop up for Vaccination Chart if no profile is register to show the Vaccine reminder date Inbox If no push notification from CareNet member Reports ifTemperature is not monitored Ifno...

Страница 17: ...ctions Essentials Division 3V Button Battery CR2016 Bluetooth 4 0 0 50 C 32 122 F 0 01 C 0 01 F 0 1 C or 0 2 F 0 50 C 32 122 F Medical Stickers Battery strap iOS 8 0 Android 4 4 or latter 34 34 4 2 0 1 mm 5 0 5 g See Video in App Website YouTube Smart Phone Android or iPhone Internet Connection Wi Fi 2G 3G 4G Battery Lid Thermister Lock Unlock Position of Battery Lid ...

Страница 18: ...Fever Decreases Fever raises Foreground Notification Gender selection Graph Health Kit Home Screen Hyperthermia Hypothermia Inbox view Low Body Temperature Mobile Platform No Records Found Offline Readings Offline Settings Profile Setup Push Notification Registration Serial Number Share graph Threshold setup Vaccine Edit 15 2 9 7 15 11 11 12 11 4 2 5 8 8 7 4 13 5 3 8 8 12 8 15 14 10 5 4 5 2 6 13 4...

Страница 19: ...IIT Madras Research Park 1 Kanagam Road Taramani Chennai 600 113 India www helyxon com Specifications are subject to change without notice for further improvement of the product ...
