4 of 5 | Dated 10.05.2016
After selecting an individual colour with the "CS" button, the arrow keys are used to progressively dim
(up for brighter, down for darker).
Colour selection: select one of 8 pre-set colours by pressing several times.
Additional light effects can be used for this colour.
3 colours: a block of three colours is called up. Additional light effects can
be used for this pre-setting.
7 colours: a block of seven colours is called up. Additional light effects can
be used for this pre-setting.
16 colours: a block of 16 colours is called up. Additional light effects can be
used for this pre-setting.
"IC Set" activates / deactivates the mode for electronic shortening. The necessary
stripe segments are progressively activated (arrow up) or deactivated (arrow down)
using the arrow keys. All light settings then only illuminates in the remaining stripe
section. This makes sense, for example, once you have installed the stripe and an
overhanging end can no longer be seen. The advantage over shortening with
scissors is that the full stripe length can be reactivated if the installation position is
changed afterwards. For this, select "IC Set" and press the upwards pointing arrow
key until all necessary segments have been included in the lighting effect again.
After selecting a function key, the arrow keys are used to set the effect speed (up
for faster, down for slower).
Light effect "Auto":
a pre-selected colour sequence runs through all light
effects that can be set. A light effect can optionally run from both stripe ends to
the middle or vice versa. The effect speed is set using the arrow keys.