Gas fired igniter ZA0 / ZDA0
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Status: 11-2018
Personal protective gear
Personal protective gear must be worn while working with the
equipment in order to minimize potential health hazards.
Wear the protective gear necessary for performance of the
relevant task at all times while working.
Observe all signs relating to personal protective gear in the
work area.
To be worn at all times
Wear the following for the performance of all work:
Protective work clothing
This comprises tight-fitting work clothes which are resistant to
tearing, have tight-fitting sleeves and no projecting parts. This is
required primarily to protect against burns.
Safety shoes
To protect the feet against heavy falling articles and to prevent
slipping on floors.
Protection helmet
Protection helmets protect the head from falling parts, swinging
loads or bumping it against stationary equipment.
To be worn for special types of
When performing special types of work, special safety equipment
is required. This is covered in depth in the individual chapters of
this instruction manual. These types of special protective gear are
described in the following:
Face protection
To protect
one’s eyes and face from flames, sparks or embers as
well as hot particles or flue gases.
Protective gloves
To protect
one’s hands from rubbing, chafing, puncturing or deeper
injuries and from contact with hot surfaces.