a) Carburettor. When handling the carburettor and adjacent parts there may be traces of
fuel that need to be drained first.
Be cautious: fuel is highly flammable and toxic.
It is advisable to periodically check the carburettor, washing and drying it with
compressed air to improve its performance.
Check the height of the float that marks the level of fuel in the carburettor and ad-
just it so it is at 17mm within the specified margins. (Only on Keihin Carburettor)
A good way to find out the quality of the mixture that is going into the engine is
to check the spark plug. If the plug is light brown colour, the mixture is good, whe-
reas if it is black (excess of petrol), or white (excess of air), the mixture reaching the
engine is wrong.
You can also control the mixture adjusting the air screw, following this instructions:
25 - Carburettor
26 - Carburetion of the mixture
An optimum petrol-air mixture will enable you to obtain maximum performance
from your engine. To do this, you need to adjust the amounts of fuel and air entering
the carburettor.
b) Idle c) Mix adjustment
The carburetor has two adjustment
screws: the air and the idle speed,
which will allow you to vary their ope-
rating point if necessary.
b) Idle speed adjusting screw.
Turning clockwise increases idle.
Turning counterclockwise reduces
c) Mix adjustment screw:
Factory default settings:
5 turns (counter clockwise). Uns-
crewing it to enrich it
and screw to reduce the air / gasoline
mixture. "
/ 27 - Carburator adjustment of the idle speed