Heat-Timer Corp.
setBack scHedule
Hold Button:
MENU/<System Settings>/<Stage Settings>/<Setback Schedule>
This menu provide the Day/Night Schedule as well as the Setback and Boost settings.
seQ and MoV setBack
Adjustable 0
C to 80°F/44°C
Default: 0
------ SETBACK -------
0 F
[ ]
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/.../<Setback Schedule>/Setback
Ext Output 1 = Shutdown or SEQ Tstat
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<SEQ System Settings>/Setback
External Output 1 = Setback
• The Setback feature can be used to provide the SQ-Elite-MV with a lower temperature Set Point when less load is required.
• The new Set Point will appear on the main display indicating this condition "
Setback to 160 F
". For example, if the
calculated temperature is 180°F and the Setback is 20°F, then when in Setback, the SQ-Elite-MV will hold a Set Point of 160°F.
• A typical use for Setback is to provide less system temperature to a building during the night or on the weekends when building is
not occupied, but heat is still required.
• If External Output 1 was set to Shutdown or SEQ Tstat, the Setback will be activated using the Day/Night Schedule. Otherwise, if
Setback was selected, the Setback can only be activated using a dry-contact input on terminals
35 and 36
. See page
• After selecting a value in Setback, you'll be directed to the Boost menu.
seQ and MoV Boost
Adjustable 0°F/0°C to 80°F/44°C
Default: 0
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/.../<Setback Schedule>/Setback/Boost
Hold Button:
MENU/<MOV Settings>/.../<Setback Schedule>/Setback/Boost
• This features brings the building to warm-up quickly after a Setback period.
-------- BOOST ---------
0 F
[ ]
• The Boost temperature will be the number of degrees to be added to the Target.
• The new Set Point will appear on the main display indicating this condition "
Boost to 190 F
• Using the previous example, if the Target was 180°F and the Boost was 10°F for 30 minutes, after the scheduled setback period, the
Boost will change the target to 190°F for a period of 30 minutes.
• If External Setback was used, the Boost will take place after the Setback is deactivated.
• If 0
F Was selected, no boost will take place.
seQ and MoV Boost perIod
Adjustable 0 to 120 minutes
Default: 0 minutes
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/.../Setback/Boost/Boost Period
Hold Button:
MENU/<MOV Settings>/.../Setback/Boost/Boost Period
• This will determine the length of Boost the System will receive.
• For convenience, the Boost will start a full Boost Period prior to the switch from Night Schedule to Day Schedule operation. It
will then terminate at the start of the Day Schedule. If the Day was set to start at 7:00Am and the Boost Period was set to 30
minutes, the Boost will start at 6:30Am and terminate at 7:00Am.
seQ and MoV day/nIgHt scHedules
(available when external Input 1 = shutdown or seQ tstat only)
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<SEQ System>/<Setback Schedule>/Day Schedule
Hold Button:
MENU/<MOV Settings>/<SEQ System>/<Setback Schedule>/Day Schedule
• Each of the SEQ and MOV Schedules provide two levels of heat. The Day level is used
when a building is occupied and people are active. The Night/Setback level is used when a
building is not occupied or when people are asleep.
• The Night setting reduces the calculated temperature by the Setback setting. If the Day calculated water temperature was 150˚F
and the Setback was 20˚F, the Night Schedule will run at (150˚F - 20˚F) = 130˚F.
• If the Boost feature is being used, it uses the Day Schedule as a Boost ending point. That is, if the Day Schedule is set to start at
6:00AM,the Boost was set to 10ºF, and the Boost Period was 30 minutes, the Boost will start at 5:30AM. The SQ-Elite-MV will
then raise the calculated water temperature by the Boost amount. Using the previous example, at 5:30AM the SQ-Elite-MV will
raise the calculated water to 170˚F (150˚F + 20˚F) until 6:00AM.
set present tIMe
Hold Button:
MENU/<SEQ Settings>/<SEQ System>/<Setback Schedule>/Present Time
Hold Button:
MENU/<Maintenance>/Present Time
• The Time is used by Day/Night Schedule and History graph and is backed up by the battery.
• Adjust the time by selecting Time from the menu and then scrolling through the hours