092641 RevA
Hayward Canada
400 Connell Drive, Suite 6100
Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922
Phone: (908) 355-7995
You must configure your controller for use with the T-CELL-3 or GLX-CELL-3-W chlorinator cell before attempting to operate. Incorrect
configuration will cause inaccurate salt readings, improper operation, and possible system shutdown.
The T-CELL-3 and GLX-CELL-3-W are designed for pools up to 15,000 gallons. They are compatible with the following models only and will
NOT work with earlier versions:
• AQR (AquaRite - all 2009 or later) - firmware version 1.5 or later
• AQR-PRO (AquaRite Pro) - operating with firmware 1.10 or later
• PL-P-4 (ProLogic P4) - operating with firmware 4.10 or later
• PL-PS-x (ProLogic PS) - operating with firmware 4.10 or later
Connecting to an AQR or AQR900:
1. Slide the Main Switch to the “Auto” position.
2. Push the Diagnostic button repeatedly until “t-xx” appears on the display (“t-15” is the factory default).
3. To change cell type, slide the Main Switch from “Auto” to “Super Chlorinate” and back to “Auto”. Repeat this process until the “t-9” is
4. Push the Diagnostic button to exit.
Connecting to an AQR-PRO:
1. Verify that the firmware version is 1.10 or greater by pushing the “Info” button, then”>” repeatedly until the firmware revision is shown.
If the firmware version is less that 1.10, the T-CELL-3 or GLX-CELL-3-W cannot be used.
2. Access the Settings Menu by pushing the “Settings” button.
3. Push “>” until Chlor. Config is displayed, then push “+”.
4. Push “>” repeatedly until “Cell Type” is displayed.
5. Push “+” or “-” until “T-CELL-9” is displayed.
6. Exit Settings Menu by pushing the “Info” button.
Connecting to a PL-P-4 or PL-PS-x:
1. Verify that the firmware version is greater than 4.10 by entering the Diagnostic Menu and repeatedly pushing the “>” until the Main
Firmware revision is shown. If the firmware version is less that 4.10, the T-CELL-3 or GLX-CELL-3-W cannot be used.
2. Enter the Configuration Menu.
3. Push “>” until Chlor. Config is displayed, then push “+”.
4. With the Chlorinator Enabled, push “>” repeatedly until “Cell Type” is displayed.
5. Push “+” or “-” until “T-CELL-3” is displayed.
6. Exit Settings Menu by pushing the “Menu” button.