To power your Perflex filter, select a continuous duty pump
designed for swimming pool service. The pump mounting
bracket and hardware furnished with the filter will readily accept
most units.
It is important to determine whether the pump will be located
above or below the normal pool water line. If the pump is going
above the water line, a self-priming centrifugal pump must be
used. Self-priming pumps can lift water from a lower level and
prime automatically. There is another type of pump simply
called the
centrifugal. Unlike self-priming centrifugals which
can lift water from a lower level, a centrifugal must be located
below the water line for dependable priming.
Select a pump with an output rating of between 30 and 65
GPM (114-246 LPM). Since 40 GPM (150 LPM) is the desired
maximum filter flow, a flow controller (part number ECX1055) is
furnished with each unit for use with pumps rated between
40 and 65 GPM (150-246 LPM). Install the flow
controller in the filter body as illustrated with an elbow adapter,
union connector, or adapter. The adapter both secures the
controller in its proper
position, and completes
the hydraulic balance of
the system.
Since plumbing fittings
offer a resistance to
water flow, locate the
filter as close to the
swimming pool as
practical. Keep the
number of fittings to a minimum. Select a well-drained area,
one that will not flood when it rains.
Set the filter on a
level platform or base. Keep the filter
“BUMP” handle, drain outlet, and pressure gauge
accessible for convenient operation. There is an alternate
“BUMP” handle location on the other side of the filter out
Instructions for changing the handle position are covered
Position the filter so the tank can drain by gravity.
Use 1-1/4
or 1-1/2
I.D. flexible plastic pipe, or hose, joined
with insert fittings and stainless steel clamps. If a rigid pipe
is used, be sure to provide unions for easy servicing.
Ball-style control valves are recommended.
All plumbing connections on the EC40 filter are 1-1/2
When making connections to the filter, use plastic male-end
adapters. Apply three turns of Teflon tape or plastic pipe
sealant to the male threads.
The Perflex Model EC40 is a high performance swimming pool filter with a filtration rating of 2,400 gallons
(9.1 KL) per hour. Manufactured from durable, corrosion-proof materials, it is designed for continuous
operation, for installation above or below the pool water line, for fresh or salt water swimming pools. The
EC40 filter uses diatomite filter powder (commonly called D.E.). D.E. is the most efficient dirt remover known.
It is normally fed into the system through the skimmer when the filter is initially started; then drained from the
filter when its dirt holding capacity has been reached. Through Perflex’s exclusive “BUMP” action, the D.E.
is periodically regenerated and the filter cycle extended without changing the powder. When the filter
powder is totally used, the “BUMP” action makes it possible to drain the used diatomite without backwashing
or dismantling the filter.