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Quick Installation Guide

©Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. 2008 · QI-WINTV-HVR900-V2.0-ENG · 2008/01/25

WinTV-HVR-900 Hybrid stick

USB extension cable

WinTV-Installation CD-ROM

including the following:

WinTV application v6

with SoftPVR™




7 Day EPG



This installation guide

Options available on certain models:

Audio/Video input cable

Portable TV antenna

IR remote control transmitter

and batteries

Contents of this WinTV-HVR-900 package

1. Locate a free USB 2.0 port (normally located at the side or back on

the computer).


ote: Due to power and bandwidth requirements, we do not

recommend connecting the unit into a USB Hub.

2. Turn on your PC and wait until Windows has completely started.

3. Plug the WinTV-HVR-900 stick into the USB 2.0 port. You can use

the USB extension cable (available on some models) to locate the
WinTV-HVR-900 a short distance from the USB slot.


ote: If you plug the device into a different USB socket, you

may need to reinstall the WinTV-HVR-900 driver, but you will

not need to reload any WinTV applications.

2. Installing the WinTV-HVR-900

Connecting an antenna or set top box

Plug your TV antenna or RF output from your cable/satellite box into
the WinTV-HVR-900’s TV Connector. For digital TV reception, it is rec-
ommended to connect to a roof top aerial as this may provide a bet-
ter signal quality then the portable antenna provided on some models
of WinTV-HVR-900.
You will need to ensure that you are located in a area that has Digital
Terrestrial coverage.

Please visit in the U.K.: 


In Sweden: 


In Finland: 


In Denmark: 


In Poland: 


1. Connecting the Aerial and A/V input cable

When you run WinTV for the first
time, a message  will appear ask-
ing you to scan for tuner chan-
nels now; please ensure that the
TV antenna is connected, click



To start the WinTV application, double click on the 

WinTV icon


4. WinTV


application v6

Select your country location, for instance, select 

United Kingdom 


then, select 



The scanning process will start by scanning the analogue frequencies
for channels, if any are found they will be added to the channel list.

The scanning process for DVB-T will then scan for channels. When a
DVB-T channel is found, the 

Signal Status 

will show a quality level

and the 

locked box 

will be checked. The DVB-T digital channels that

are found will appear in the channel listing box.


ote: If you have attached an antenna and do not receive any

digital TV channels, either use a stronger antenna (a roof top

antenna is recommended for best reception) or try to add a TV
channel manually (see trouble shooting section).



when finished.

If you are using a external source like a Hi-8 Camcorder, Video
recorder etc, then you will need to connect via the S-
Video/Composite for the Video picture and Line-Input for the sound.


ote: Unless stated, most VCR's and STB's only output in com-

posite video via SCART'. A SCART to S-Video lead, in most

cases, will not work correctly and will only yield a black and white

If you are using a Scart to composite (RCA Yellow phono) lead, please
ensure that the signal is being sent in the correct direction from the
Scart lead to the phono connection. 

Configuring a external source in WinTV

In the WinTV application click on Menu then Suite Manager, then click
on the Sources tab. To add the S-Video or Composite channel select
the option on the left and then select the Video Format from the drop
down list.


ote: PAL BGHIDK is the commonly used format in Europe.

Type in a channel “


” e.g. Video and a Description and then click

on “


” the channel will now be added and if you click on Close

you will be returned back to the main TV viewing window.

Keyboard shortcuts

Sound up

- Page Up

Sound down

- Page Down

Plus (+)

- Chanel Up

Minus (-)

- Channel Down

Ctrl T

- Frame TV

Ctrl P

- Frame print


- Mute on/off


- Re-size TV menu


- Channel number

Space bar

- Take a snapshot

Ctrl F

- Still image

Using a external A/V source

Snapshot Still


Freeze picture


Configure Snapshot




Full screen

Remove toolbars

no title mode



Channel surf

Channel down

Channel up

Last channel

Current TV channel

Click your right mouse
button here to see the

channel selector

Click your right mouse button

in the TV window to remove

toolbars. Click again to

restore toolbars. 




Always on Top

Snapshot viewer


Double click on each

thumbnail to see

image full size.Click

and hold your right

mouse button to see

image options.



Watch TV

Changing channels

You can change channels by using the 

Channel Up




buttons on the WinTV. You can type a 

channel number 


example: 27) and WinTV will tune to that channel. If the entered chan-
nel does not exist, you will see a black window.

You can also right click in the 

Current TV channel box

, where you

will see a list of channels. Or type letters (for example: BBC) to access
to the list of the channels including these letters.

TV Mode

When you click the 

Full screen TV button

, TV will appear full

screen on your PC monitor. When finished watching TV full screen,
click your 

right mouse button in the TV window

. If you see

video with a black box around it, click the Pref button then click TV
mode tab. Check the box which says “Allow resolution change”.

"Always on top" Mode

The WinTV application will remain in view over any other appli-

cations even if it is not selected. To turn on, click the 

Always on top


. It will turn green. To turn off, click this button again.

A convenient way to use Always-on-top is to make the TV window in
the no-title mode small, and to make the TV window in the title mode
larger. Then you can switch from a small window to a larger one by
clicking the right mouse button.

Pref button

Click the 

Pref button 

to open the preferences menu:

View: These

are the settings for the On Screen Display of the TV

channel and Audio Volume, where you can enable Close Captions (if
supported in your system configuration), plus controls for the Toolbar
mode (Title mode), NoToolbar mode (No Title) and Full Screen (TV


Here is where you configure some video and audio settings.

You can set the movie record directory (DVCR Record File Path).


Set the size of your captured images, plus single or two

field captures for capturing motion or still image video.


Your audio settings are configured here.

Menu Button

Click the 

Menu button 

to open the TV setup menu. Here is the main

control bar for TV channels, and duplicate controls for other functions:

Suite Manager: 

Configure the TV tuner (scanning, naming, channel

pre set, etc..) and setting up favourite channel lists.


Duplicate configuration menus for colour, audio, etc.


For settings an exact TV window size: 320x240, 640x480 etc.

There are three buttons to control the watching, recording and paus-
ing of TV. Clicking on the 

Pause button 

will cause the Pause menu to

roll down from the WinTV application, while clicking on the 



will cause the Record menu to roll down.

Pause and Record

TV Mode

One Touch Pause One Touch Record


Pause button 

prepares the WinTV pausing live video.


Record button 

will start a record session. If you click 


button more than once, a record timer will be set and the recording
will be done for 15 minutes for each time the 

Record button 


clicked. For example, if you click the button 3 times, the WinTV will
record for 30 minutes.

Pause mode

The pause mode allow you to pause the Live TV picture and allows
you to use the TimeShift function to rewind and fast forward the TV.

Clicking the 


button on the WinTV application starts the 



. The Pause Menu will drop down.

Record and Playback

Clicking the 


button will automatically generate a file name and

start recording your audio/video program.


When recording TV, the record button will depressed

A time counter will be shown indicating the lenght of time of the

If you click 


the time counter will revert back to 00:00:00 

The time is specified in a 








Display Counter




Play forward slow

Record mode


Clicking the 

Stop button will

stop the video you are recording

or playing back.


Clicking the 


button will playback from disk the last video file

created. When playing a video, you can rewind, fast forward, replay
10 sec or skip forward 10 sec using the buttons on the control bar.


Clicking the 


button while Playing will pause your



Clicking the 


button will play the video file in reverse.

Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the playing of the video.

Fast Forward

Clicking the 

Fast Foward

button one time will fast foward your

video at 2X speed. Clicking the Fast Foward button two times will fast
foward your video at 8X speed. Clicking the button again will continue
playing back at normal speed.

Slow Motion

Clicking the 

Slow Motion

button during playback will cause the

video to play in slow motion (at 1/2 speed). Clicking the Slow Motion
button again will return the video to normal playback speed.

File button

Clicking the File button opens the File menu. The last file record-

ed is listed in the File name box. In the File menu you can: 

Rename your recorded video file:

To rename a video file, find the

file you would like to rename, highlight it with your mouse, and click
and hold the right mouse button. Go down to Rename and then you
can type in a new name. Remember: you must keep the MPG
extension on the file.

Play a video file previously recorded:

Find the file you would like to

play, highlight it with your mouse (one click of the mouse button)
and click Open. Then click the Play button.

Delete recorded video files which you no longer want:

Click your

right mouse button on the video file once, go down the menu and
click Delete.




Time counter



Fast forward

Fast forward

Slow motion

Fast rewind

Skip forward 10 sec


Pause Buffer

The Pause buffer is space on your hard disk where video is stored
during the Pause mode. The maximum amount of time which your TV
program can be delayed is dependent upon how much storage space
you have set for the Pause buffer.

Clicking the Pause button will start recording into WinTV's Replay
Buffer. It takes about 10 seconds for the Replay Buffer to be initialized
and for Pause to become effective.

Unclicking the Pause button will cause the audio/video program to
start playing from the point where the button was originally pushed.

Most WinTV functions are active while in the Pause or Pause Live
mode. For example, you can change volume, resize the TV window,
go into "no-title mode", etc.

While in Pause mode, the Video Position bar shows the amount of the
Replay Buffer which is filled with video. For example, if the Video
Position indicator shows halfway, it means that half of the Replay
Buffer is filled. If you find you cannot Pause as many minutes as you
would like, increase the size of the Replay Buffer.

While in Pause mode, the A/V stream is always saved in the Replay
Buffer. To stop saving the A/V stream in the Replay Buffer, you must
exit the Pause mode by clicking 

TV mode



While in the Pause mode, hitting the 


button acts like the

Instant Replay you see on TV broadcast sporting events: the
audio/video goes back in time and you repeat what you have previ-
ously seen. Each click of the Replay button causes audio/video to go
back 10 seconds. For example, if you want to repeat the audio/video
you saw 10 seconds ago, you would click the Replay button once. If
you want to see the video you saw one minute ago, you would need
to click the Replay button six times.

For extended replay times, you might find it more convenient to grab
the Video Position indicator control bar and move it to the left. Once
you let the control bar go, audio/video starts to play (it might take a
few seconds for the WinTV application to start playing).

You might have to move the Video Position indicator to the left and
right to find the desired spot to start replaying audio/video.

While Replaying, your audio/video program continues to be recorded
in the Replay Buffer. Therefore, if you have clicked the Replay button 3
times (so that you are replaying the audio/video seen 30 seconds
ago), the video you see in the WinTV window will be 30 seconds
behind the live program.

Skip Ahead

Clicking the 


button will skip the video ahead 10 seconds.


Clicking the Rewind button while playing video will rewind the

recorded video. Clicking the Rewind button again will continue the

Slow Motion

Clicking the Slow Motion button while playing video will play in

Slow Motion. Clicking the Slow Motion button again, will continue
playing normally.

Fast Forward

Clicking the Fast Forward button one time will fast forward your

video at 2X speed. Clicking the Fast Forward button two times will fast
forward your video at 8X speed.

Hauppauge Computer Works, Ltd.

10 Borough High Street
Bank Chambers
London, UK, SE1 9QQ

Tech Support: (+44) 0207 378 0202
Telephone: (+44) 0207 378 1997
Fax: (+44) 0207 357 9171
[email protected]


ote: If you do not receive channels using the portable anten-

na, try connecting a rooftop aerial to the device and scan

again, if channels are now received there may be an issue with sig-
nal strength/quality in your area you may not be able to use the
small antenna.

Connecting an external A/V source

You can also connect sources via the
A/V input cable (available on some mod-
els of WinTV-HVR-900). 

Plug the A/V input cable into the small
connector on the side of the WinTV-

Connect your source using either the
Composite or S-Video connection and
the audio mini-jack connector.


ote: Unless stated, most video-

recorders and Set Top Boxes use

only a Composite output via the
SCART output.

Insert your 

WinTV Installation


, the installation window

will automatically appear.


ote: If the autorun does

not start, browse to the

files on the disc and double
click on the file called 'Setup'.

In the installation window click on

Step 1


Install WinTV Drivers


A blue screen will open which will
begin installing and updating the
drivers for your product.

Once complete, a message
appears in the bar. If this message

Drivers have been updated


, click on the bar to

exit. If the message reports an
error, check the connection of
your WinTV, or contact our tech-
nical support.


ote: If you have any anti-virus software enabled, please dis-

able it during the installation of the software.

When you attach the WinTV-HVR-
900, the 

Found New Hardware


will appear.

Click on 



3. Install the WinTV Drivers and Applications

Next, click on 

Step 2: Install


and select your language

from the list. The setup window
should appear and begin to auto-
matically install the WinTV appli-


ote: During the installati-

on, other installation

wizards may open, we recom-
mend following the instructions
in each of these and installing
with the default options availa-


ote: For advanced users

you can select the 'Custom

Installation' which will allow
you to modify the list of appli-
cations that are  installed by

Once the WinTV installation is complete, click 




in the win-

dow "Hauppauge WinTV Installation CD". You should now be back at
your Windows desktop.
