Hasselblad 504CW Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание 504CW

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Страница 2: ... S f T B I A D SOgcw lnstruction Manual Gebrauchsanweisung Brugsonvisning Manualde tnstrucciones Manueld lnstructions Manuale d lstruzioni Gebruiksaanwiping Manual delnstrugoes Bruksonvisning Kriyttdohjekirja ...

Страница 3: ...erandmoreoccurotefocus ing Originallyfeaturing the 6x 6 cm 21 tx 2rh in formot the 503CWalsoacceptsformat masksfor 6 x 4 5cm and 6 x 3 cm ponoromic formatsto broadenoptions With o Hosselblad503CWyou have openedthe door to the Hasselblad Systemwith itscompatibilitysecondto nonein the mediumformat ltfeotures interchangeability of 9differentlenses 1 4xand2xteleconverters magozines for differentimagef...

Страница 4: ...sereodit corefully lfyou havea querydonot hesi tote to contoctyour dealer wewantyou to be 100o o sotisfied Yourdealercanalsoprovideyou with the latestin newsand tech nicol developmentsfrom Hasselblad A quarterly mogazine FORUM ispublishedwith theemphasis onphotogrophicimagery featuringphotographers from all overtheworld toprovideyou with inspiration Ourinternet site www hosselblod com isa source o...

Страница 5: ...at masks 10 Film plane index I 1 LENS ANDSHUTTER FUNCT ONS 11 Shutterspeed and aperture 11 Exposure 11 Waming mark 11 Exposurevalues 12 Interlocked shutter speed aperture 12 Focusing and depth of field 12 Depth offield preview 12 Pre elease and cable release 12 Multiple exposure 13 Flash synchronization 13 Infraredphotography 13 THEVIEWFINDER SYSTEM 14 Changing thefocusing hood orviewfinder 14 Cha...

Страница 6: ...rame counter 28 Magazine status indicator 29 Film winding crank 30 Magazine driving gear 31 Magazine catch withmagazine type designation 32 Focusing hood magnifier 33 Magazine slide 34 Film holder key 35 Film load indicator 36 Film tabholder 37 Magazine support slots 38 Magazine supports 39 amera support 40 Tripod thread1 4 318 41 Quick coupling plate 42 Dedicated flash connector 43 Connectorcover...

Страница 7: ...t clockwise untilit locks about 4 5ofaturn When youhave aligned theredindexonthelenswiththe oneonthecamera asshown in fig 6 thelenswill drop easily intothebayonet fitting You canthenrotate it clock wiseuntilit stops withafaintclickasthelenscatch locks it inPlace Rlmo uin Depress thelensrelease buttonandrotatethelens counter clockwise until it stopsandlift it outof the mount Youcanonlyremovethe len...

Страница 8: ...camera again will automatically advance thefilm byoneframe Do not attach a magazineshowingwhite to a camerathat is not rewound Wind the camerafirstoryou will losea frame Do not attach a magozineshowingredto a fullywound camera Thiscouldresultin a doubleexposure Openingth e f ocu_sing ho od uffi Lift thelid byfirmly grippingthetabonitsrearedge andswing it uptoavertical position Thehoodunfolds autom...

Страница 9: ...heclipslides over thelugandlocksintoposition Toremove the strap lift the clip lockingplatehigh enough tobeablepass overthecamera lug Slide theclip inthedirection away fromthestrapuntilit isfree i i i i Lg f hand9lp t WithoutaWinderCWattached mayfindthatholding thecamera in yourlefthandisthemostconvenient grip operating theexposure release buttonwithyourindex finger Your righthandisthenfreeforfocus...

Страница 10: ...henthemagazineslide must beinserted first In eithercase wheninserting theslideensure thatitsflat sideistowards therear see detail in illustration asthis facilitates theremoval ofthefilm holder Step by step fiIm loading I9 26 Follow theprocedure below inthecorrect order 19 Foldoutthefilm holder key 20 Turnthekeycounter clockwise andwithdraw the filmholder magazine insert 21 Place anemptytake up spo...

Страница 11: ...fro_m themag gzin Whenthelastframehasbeenexposed andwoundon themagazine blocks thecamera forfurtherrelease Windoffthefilmbyfolding outthefilmwindingcrank 1fi androtateit clockwise untilyoucanfeelthefilm leaving thesupply spool Youcannowwithdraw thefilm holderfromthemaga zineandremove theexposed film Theframecounter isautomatically reset whenthefilm holderiswithdrawn fromthemagazine Theendtabofthef...

Страница 12: ...othe frontofthelens Theaperture value isalsosetagainst the central lensindex CFlenses havean automatic di aphragm thatstops downtothepreset workingapenure atthestartoftheexposure sequence Asageneral ruleforallshutter speed settings except B youshould keep therelease buttondepressed untilthe lensshutter hasopened andclosed fully Thisisespecial lyimportant atshutter speeds fromls to l 4s astheaux il...

Страница 13: ...thoffield scale atanaperture off ll Depth of lfield preyie Depth of field canbevisually checked onthefocusing screen Thediaphragm canbestopped downtothepre setaperture fromitsnormally wideopen position simply t z bypushing thedepth of field preview leverdownwards untilit locks Toreopen thediaphragm depress thelowerpartofthe lever Pre releas Considerable efforts have beenmade to reduce camera vibra...

Страница 14: ... oppo sitetheredIRindexlineinstead ofthecentral index line The 503CW issupplied withalight compact and foldableviewfi nder prov iding o throu gh the l ens laterally reversed image ltis easily interchange ablewithalternative viewfinders includingthe prismfinders which produce alaterallycorrected image The focusing hoodonthestandard viewfinder has a built in4 5xmagnifier foroccurote focusing andthis...

Страница 15: ...st andthesharp edged corners down Ensure that all four cornersof the screen arepositively seated ontheirsupports You need notreturnthescreen latches Thisisdoneauto matically whentheviewfinder isreplaced F4 Should thescreen refuse todropoutbyitself ensure that thecamera isfullywound remove thelensandcheck that themirror is in thedownposition Puta finger throughthelensmountandpushgentlyonthescreen f...

Страница 16: ...ed in IS0 ASA settings from64 4000 see fig 55forthe equivalent in DINratings Certain filmsrequire com pensation fordifferences in reflection In these instances thecompensation ismadebychanging thefilm speed selector setting Theamount ofcompensation hastobe determined byexperiment Please refertoyourflashunit soperating instructions for moreinformation aboutotherfunctions whenusingthe D Flash 40 aut...

Страница 17: ...cessories connot beused andanyforced attempt otmounting themmoydomageyour equipment Figs 51ond52showthewiderongeofaccessories available withintheHasselblad System Please re ferto theHasselblod Product Cotalogue formore com prehe nsiveinformati on The coupling plate onthebottom ofthecamera body has both aII4in and a3 8in tripod thread Italso fitsthe useful and reliable Hasselblad liipodQuick Coupli...

Страница 18: ...holders etc ltcanalsooccurwhenshiftingthelensaswiththe PC Mutar l 4XShiftConverter for example Asaquickandefficient check against suchanoccur rence proceed asfollows L Setupthecamera andcompose picture 2 Remove themagazine focusing screen adapter 3 Replace withtheRear cover MultiControl 4 Depress thedepth of field buttononthelenssothat thelensstops downtotheworking aperture 5 Open theshutter setat...

Страница 19: ...e theexposure indications in theviewfinder If warned bythecamera forover orunderexposure then make theappropriate changes byaltering theaperture orflash to subject distance Makefurthertests until thecamera indicates correct exposure 5 Replace theRear cover MultiControl withamagazine andproceed asnormal usingtheadjusted exposure settings Although thismethod should provide agenerally accept ableexpo...

Страница 20: ...lm package e g 400 ASAfilm issetat800ASA 100 ASAfilm issetat200ASA etc Acute Matte Ddesigned byMIN0LTA t p PME3 PME5 PME5l Integral Spot Metering Metering PME9O PMEgO The exposure should be increasedby oneEV value Note l 4X and 2X tsnvert ers require test exposures The expozure should bereduced byone EV value when using lenslteleconverter combinations which reduce theeffective aper ture tof18 orsm...

Страница 21: ... inplace Remove thelens cap Youcannotremove the The camera isinthepre released omplete thecamera release and frontprotective cover orreleased position rewind thecamera Youcannotattachthelens The lens isinthereleased position Wind thelens The camera body isinthepre Complete thecamera release and released orreleased position rewind thecamera Youcannotremove thelens The camera body isinthepre omplete...

Страница 22: ... 64 4000 withHasselblad D Flash orflash adap tor5CA390 connected toflashunitcompliant withtheSCA 300system Metering area within 40mmdiameter inthecentre oftheimage area 1lqin and 3 ain socket threads andbase plate forquick coupling attachment Camera body oniy see fig53 Camera body withPlanar CFE 80mmlens film magazine A12 andfocus inghood 180mm Lx114mm Wx11Omm H 7x 41lzx4r a in Camera body only 0 ...

Страница 23: ...me coses theymayberemoved with a highquolity lens cleaningsolutionon o tissuebut becarefulnot to scratchthelensor touchanyof theglosssurfaces withyourfingers lfin anydoubt donot attemptto clean lensglasssurfacesyourselfbut allow a Hasselblad Authorized Service Center to treatthem Impact Your equipmentcanbedamagedbysevere physicalshocks sopracticalprotectiveprecautions shouldbetaken When notin use ...

Страница 24: ... Mnding crankE Focusing hood chrome Focusing screen Acute Matte D Standard strap Frontprotective cover Rearcover MultiControl 503CWuunaABoDv BLAcK supplied as10243 above but equipped withblackFocusing hoo d 42323 10243 44086 42315 42204 591 10 51438 51070 10246 ...

Страница 25: ...5O3cw 1 2 3 4 5 6l 8 9 l0 11 242rn 171615 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 26: ...49 j4E 47 ft 45 3233343536 t t I 41 0 39 5O3cw ...

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Страница 33: ... w bJn53060fl25 250 5m R n 6 fi n6ry 5 25 50 a AI www orphancameras com ...

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Страница 35: ... T 4 S S V f f i www orphancameras com ...

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Страница 37: ...rRrm L UW Softars mA K V o60 460 m n Hilt s V 7 0 0 7 0 ffi n lftil il w a 9 3 4 9 3 www orphancameras com ...

Страница 38: ...TeleconverterAPO 1 4XE ...

Страница 39: ...165mm 61 zin 48 mm nlein www orphancameras com ...

Страница 40: ...Ii t L i a t ffiffiK rso P DIN ffiu ta 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ...
