Chapter 4 Transport Stream Configuration
© 2013 Harmonic Inc. Harmonic All rights reserved.
Ellipse 3000 Release 3.0, Rev. B
Services Sub-Menu/Tab
BISS-E Injected ID Scrambling Mode
The BISS-E Injected ID scrambling mode displays the buried scrambling key along with the unit’s
injected ID.
Front Panel
To access the BISS-E Injected scrambling parameters on the front panel:
Root > Configuration > Transport Stream > Services > Service List > [Service Name]
> BISS-E Injected configuration
The BISS-E Injected Configuration menu provides set-up access to two parameters; the Encrypted
Session Word parameter and the Injected ID parameter.
The scrambling word/key values for the BISS-E Injected ID scrambling mode are not displayed.
Changing/updating these values is done as soon as the new value is saved.
The Encrypted Session Word parameter defines the key number before decoding. This value has
no useful meaning when trying to obtain the new decoded scrambling-key.
To set the Encrypted Session Word parameter on the front panel:
Root > Configuration > Transport Stream > Services > Service List > [Service Name]
BISS-E Injected configuration > Encrypted Session Word
The available value is a 16-digit scrambling key number. The Injected ID displayed value is always
is 00000000-000000.
BISS-E Injected configuration
1 Encrypted Session Word
2 Injected ID
Encrypted Session Word