Vista FX
1-18 Vista FX
Document generated: 28.08.14
SW V4.9
window :
As a shortcut for ‘patching to effect targets’ and ‘from effect sources’, it is
also possible to doubleclick into one of the twelve label areas in the setup
window. This then navigates directly to the general patch, to the desired target
or source.
5.3 create send return effects
To setup the desk for working with a ‘Send-Return’ effect, a few steps of
preparation need to be carried out :
Patch the Direct Out of the desired Aux master to the effect input port.
This will change the colour of the Aux send icons as well as the Aux master
to blue. This is to indicate that the chosen Aux bus is used as an effect send.
Patch the effect out port to the desired return channel (input channel).