Страница 1: ...harman kardon Power for the Digital Revo utioni AVR 325 AUDIO VIDEO RECEIVER OWNER S MANUAL ha_nJl_eld_ AVR 32_ _ ramie ml_ w ms_m m_ _lmk m TramS_m _ _a _ Wl lW _ _0 k Nn k L n i i i i...
Страница 2: ...T rT illq I RerT ot Di t Code try AutoS ar IM Iod CodeRetdout Piogra d _kvic u tJo s Chanl iCortrolPulch P oLigh R assignhgDevi Co tioi S ectcxs Resetingtl R ot M oly ku_ctJon list SetupCod tbie Plot...
Страница 3: ...us pout s d _cokxced d ig_tcharn iir xt wit_co pie digitalbassa_ tg it tk tit AVR325 viitutllylutuu pioe witl v ytrirg td dtoacte edat te euowsrtw hxmats fig_tonboard r VR 325s fk xi ili_ _ t d power...
Страница 4: ...vtlea piiilst eeisth I ot possibili b tint tie ubbcI paddilg ol tie botto o tic aritsfcc Tsyle_ve arksonccr _in woodo ve eerst ials LJs aatiel whell piaci gtic unitel s woods x et cr st rhls thatay b...
Страница 5: ...L i el t h i th illi t i HI oper Headphone Jack 7hisjackay b usedto iist_ tot VR 325soctxt t eugh a pai of I adp enes Be mtai_t_at tie _esdp_en s roves sts_dad i4 I s reoplo lugrh rY sil Ioo s eskers...
Страница 6: ...pWal digital Coaxial3 Digitalinput C x l ed tie ceaxisl Jig its Jlputof a digital audk product sucl ts a pxa l sudioplayer orvide gain t sja k Video4 VideoInput Jacks rlr_s jacksrntybe us dto col nec...
Страница 7: ...thestlbw so_ is 8 ailgl box Piecenk_r ex lighswin aSrTIIll a akerisa letted a_dtie twoelt_r boxes lig twl I argesp akers select Wh81 flOll oftie box s liti xt c_t _ sroa i o_ aabw sofe_ c a_ela e ap a...
Страница 8: ...s Vre t eft W ire Center Qreen SuauundLefi Blue SUHOU_Id Right ra surreu_ _ Back eft Blown Sumxl_ d BackRight 7isn SuhLuefer Pur I Digital Audio OI8 7 CerT poi ellt VideoPr Red Compenei t VideoPb Blue...
Страница 9: ...l isco It o suresaf o u rate us olllytl powe cold suppli dwitiltleHnit far pia me tisuqu dit rT llst of t sametyp sndcapa i_ 7 _ VideoMonitorOutputs Cerned t se jsckst theco osJtc e S Videoi i xltof a...
Страница 10: ...C 1 audk ilput pcks e a VCR or etl r vid e _ Video2 Audioinputs Cu _ect t_ lef ight P A ciDLJF audieoutputjtcksel a VCR oretlr vide 8 ChannelDirectinputs rh s jtcks au used k l ellll tk to sotlrc d v...
Страница 11: ...SkipDowi Bution St_reoModeSelectBut_4xi DFSNeo 6ModeSeled MaaoButior s DiscSkipButIsn Preset UpiDowi ClearBut on MerT oiy Button DdayiPrev Ci _ Butl4xl Speaker Seled MultJioom _ Volume Up Down SP Sel...
Страница 12: ...r c Ss Seepa7 36 k rT eeilterrT k lle progr rT irgle erT o lid SurroundModeSelector Press his buto to c7c1 t ugl tl USR VM xt d Steer sclrreu id modesStl as Iiall Fist VMAxNear_KJhr _d StIHocrr d Fl h...
Страница 13: ...rButton Press his dtt nt clearir axu ct _ ies w_ _using tl r o _u ctJy isra _dio MemoryButton Piss t is buttx to itra radio b aionint heAVR325s pres tmemo DEe tl MEMORY Indicator fhs s youhavefive s c...
Страница 14: ...t AVR325 s u e is s i ct d ts tile ilput soule t s blluollswiilev ilp e dow threllghtie listof b a tolstlatl v ee stoudil tl xese nu ery Wler sCD orDVD clarg orplsy ris s iectd t_ s bHt_ons activat t...
Страница 15: ...icia _whoish iliafwitl tl NEC andiertx tppikabi b al buildH g ed s ii V ala Wl C01i11 ctilig WJUS tu tX spes_ s c dtJl to i serv xcser pelarit No tlat tl positiv kr rT iIt1 O ea I sp aku COllllectioI...
Страница 16: ...ltx o uJO Option3 laki g adw t of tx BVR325 sx lt i_ s ve c a N rap it it is xJssi o usebo of fi a ii r CI1a 1 1 Js to pow spesk rsi e r ot loomW erl asi gthisoptJ Jr v mwillrlot e s leto us t_ ull Yl...
Страница 17: ...i 1 Wlenallcotr tJ Ns d scri edahoy lave b ade orr1 ct theACpew ce to t ACPowerCordJack 11 AVRSP5drawssigrifica itiyor uH t la eth heusN old d vc s sue as GXT p rS tl8 use ovsbkpew co sFo tlatreaso it...
Страница 18: ...eaker s i e _ ooei Sz i v his _ikMen _ J_ 7 hmo k_ iv _ Prq_cl_ S_r_en Spe_ke_ SPeaker Bp_ _ q f d k v 7O ODO 9 e o htu h ie So t e_ ui 5 7 _yweos thfu_hhdfe 7 7 c efbon At least 6 Ind 1 u TOmceiling...
Страница 19: ...us d W r he s i OSUsy m is usedir co juictio wit tl dis cre ec nfigu atiunxlt s tie el screen display will slew as_ngl lit o t xt withfie cuuert rT U5eke tien tint seie i willabe showni f Upper Displ...
Страница 20: ...sI _ artilt_ cursoris_extto fie SURROUND S EL EC T ii e Press t SetButton untilt SURROUND SELECT rn u bigu_ disor th S I f _ SURROUND SELECT DOLBY DTS LOGIC 7 DSP BURR VMAx STEREO BACK TO MASTER mENU...
Страница 21: ...fall urrsu dfieldw oily tl frert I fiaid fro t riqht aker a ei _ alld S pacj 28feraco pl xphrati xo t DSPsarrea dod s OH tl STEREO nu tl c_oices ad witl tl I 1_Buttons i_l_il o t re Jr may it tul th s...
Страница 22: ...flo t ight ouputs F r ptirT sl p dorrT sl wherlre stlrrerHrd s akrsa il is tl Doiby3Stre od slould b Ils d W yeu hay ceTpieted y urselections forthe rT i srHiorH dcharr ls HSS 1 Button_o tl erT otc to...
Страница 23: ...oralli r xts ort lay dirt felt settilgsfor ach i ut _ most ss s tie ftctoryd ftultsetJing of _ L OB AL will e tpp opritt ts mostlister redo o i d to lave i_dividualiz d sp skerset ilgsHowever somelisk...
Страница 24: ...id tccuratdys th BVR32S OLI lit kvqs witloll tic LlSe O t sr uild eSStlre rnkr although amsi adjustrn _tisalsoavaila 1 Howevr for he tsiests tup followthese L ps will s at d il tic list lilg positi r...
Страница 25: ...ftile zS t t_ 13s tJvat tie su_sor s_di _dicstur sipiy pressand r ielsetile SPLSelectorButtonI_ ntile erT1oS _hik tilt te Ic i i uhilq 71cProgramlSPL IndicatorI_I iiil c_l_cjc col to indicattl l vl Ac...
Страница 26: ...l t dt vice sLieR t 8 vide or a cor J r to you he t rlainrT nt 7 Astl inmt s urce isc alg d tie rewinput n e willtppetr m ttri yasa o 1 dis lty il i lew rt ird of tl vide dis by he ilput a will tlse...
Страница 27: ...sfiv discleec aI lels lef It cert_r right f t Iffl su eu d endrigltsu rxlxJ Eac thai 1 apr dace sfllllfieguency rarge 2DI lztu Z kHz aid oflirs dmrT atically i pruJed dyrs ic rang aid signifi celt i p...
Страница 28: ...ogic _ or E usic od slould e us dwit alalog el PCM steleesoul es ogic _E hanc stl Bt ilg xp u ic y pr s ntilg awid rflolt s u dstag andgleatelr a smbi c Sot ogic _ dos alsodir ct lowf eg encyinfelma o...
Страница 29: ...t i_rspem te tl s ecificsigntl bins lec vd It is imperantto lot tlat altheug i Del Di ti for xampk is lef rud to ts t i s st let til Dolb i tti DVDs orxe gramsaa cededfoi I rhusitissom ti slel mtl for...
Страница 30: ...tai e Dueto th wideva ittier il MP _ fer atsand ncodiig sp ds itis possible thsttie AVR325 sy re e cempsti lewit all MP3i i utsignalsSo maypredtlc tl _ccept_bi resultsard SWT rT sy not b deced d lifts...
Страница 31: ...Lower DisplayLine b c tnge tic led firs pres _ ihe SetButton _ ld us Air Buttons _ e raiseor I wer t fev I DONor us le voklrT COd i sstfiswi sltrtl f E s tti g Oncethec a iS has eel mad presstie Set B...
Страница 32: ...l e da k Iiew v r tic g ri EDs or th Input Indicators ar Jtic SurroundModeindicators aswellssfl tJ PowerIndicator wiilalways i ai_litto omli_d yout_attl ill itis ttlu d H Dr a tie d s d brig_tness kve...
Страница 33: ...ER MENU lines d pr sstie SetButton you _avero tieradjustments to ake pr ss t OSDButton_ to xit tie sys FulI OSD Time OutAdjustment lie F UL L 0 S D rT UsyskrT isusd to SirT piii t setu t d a6ystm t of...
Страница 34: ...theo sole _ cu serlsnext_otl MULTI ROOMIir P ss I SetButton to itrtl MULTI ROOM rT rU Fiyuu11 f MULTI ROOM MULTI ROOM_ION MULTI IN _ffM PRESET 01 MULTZ VOL _ _SdB BACK TO BASTER MENU J _ 7 7 Wh tie MU...
Страница 35: ...phc d int Sttndb _ ede il th si room by r ssilg t PowerOff ButtonQ el I SystemPowerControl e t fr xt paid R tu ofl th ultireorn syst eve w u theA s is inSts_d yode i t_ ah iiskning u o pfesst e Multi...
Страница 36: ...fortl tvp of pu duct to e it d eg VCRrv aid tile Mute Button_ att sam ti Ik ld o b tto_ LJlliil th d Ik _t der t InputSelector La v lita_dtl Rogram SPL Indicator rT llst egHwit it 20 s co ds afll t l...
Страница 37: ...lcuds tlat htve eenpr gla r d to all 1 Press a y input Selector_ forw ksh orwisl its ras t_ cedesa_dabet LearnButton 2 Wlenthered EDunder tie input Selectorturls r d tld tie Program SPL indicator_ fla...
Страница 38: ...ers is dtudscri etleb t_3 functio sil Fgu 12kx thepur osesof d sclibing low a butt op tt s area dKf ent s t of hurT efs fit t os us d inther stof thisanuai od sclib tl buto hl ctions fortheAVi 32 Note...
Страница 39: ...x to its xigir a a lfig iratie 1 ep at t_ ps r the xs pieabr s How vet p sstl sarn hputSd stLx Stps and _ Befo e progsTTugtl T tc VeilT B aql o lansporiPu chlh eug ak cdailthtt any Fxoglarnrnllg rx d...
Страница 40: ...ViCtbk W Sat I SPL zSiSP 18 VolumeUp VehlrT Lip put Ivl Up Vehlm Lip VcihlrT Lip V m Lip VcihlrT Lip I SurroundSelect bioJl E oleSec t DRS kc C tll I lair I C all I lair I 20 Night SiteO_i t DRSd 21 M...
Страница 41: ...rd Stop Pause AVRFunction iln Down DSD PIcScL iJrieDown Macm1 MacmP Macm3 Macm4 DolbyModes DFSN e 6 Sd ct St r e Mod S k it DVD Cl ar Slewborwa d Sk w i v ip_ R S arc S at CD CD R Ckar _I0 F_ack hole...
Страница 42: ...0 70iO 09 099 I07 10 109 112 122 001 0 1 I07 O84 205 6 001 O P 007 0 1 059 I 0 1_1 O45 001 O P 007 0 1 045 01 2 01 4 13P 045 011 041 045 051 05X I 2 I 2 04 055 I J7 158 I J9 04g 13P 001 09P 107 13P 0...
Страница 43: ...0 _9 10 O84 001 0 1 07 044 050 0 4 10 199 O84 001 0 1 010 033 04 044 100 10 1 Is4 160 107 108 I q l_O 021 031 I I 8 I 9 180 181 18 001 0 3 022 OPS 010 04 0 7 lpl lP3 12 O4 O4 O4 02 0 _ 20 P 8 209 PlO...
Страница 44: ...CBNCEP S V N CH WAI US YAMAHA YORK YUP RU ZENIF i ZONDA setup CodeNumber 10 011 045 OO2 001 003 011 060 061 064 06 10 118 I N 14 148 184 0 057 063 080 011 001 OOP 00 0 1 0 0 0 0 6 04 069 0 4 092 094 1...
Страница 45: ...3 0 _7 0 _9 08 K _4 018 02 044 048 041 041 110 14_ 16B I 4 I 5 I 7 0 4 0 7 0 9 135 140 0 4 K 4 00 045 116 0 7 0 9 012 014 017 0 8 0 9 094 0 097 098 102 10 104 01 4 018 02 044 048 K 6 040 057 06 01 02...
Страница 46: ...4 048 Oh2 O48 Is 057 058 147 166 0 0 0 4 0 8 086 114 125 150 167 l_P 01 026 07 7 039 067 0 7 0 040 0 1 07 7 07 9 040 058 0 1 0 5 08_ O87 01 027 02 0 4 0 6 O01 020 07 9 0 0 0 1 lP 144 I I 4 I 7 140 141...
Страница 47: ...VSION UNrI li VE OI I SAI Ii vcroR VDEO C NCEP S VDEOSONIC WARDS YAMAHA ZENIr i SetupCodeNumber I 6 I 6 017 01s 01 047 051 063 085 098 112 1S5 04 087 04 018 02 018 040 O0 O45 007 019 027 030 03_ 039...
Страница 48: ...SUMI M6DUIAIRE hAD NAKAMICI i setup CodeNumber 012 049 063 069 0iP 111 118 Is6 170 050 1 N 184 O53 lPS 2ll 044 064 0 5 109 0 064 08X 051 057 136 140 141 066 11_ 122 166 122 166 O42 066 18_ 188 213 O49...
Страница 49: ...050 0 7 064 065 08 090 0 1 ogP 096 0 104 17 0 S OiS 109 111 Is8 183 204 039 051 138 14 209 0 _ 036 0 1 0 4 0 6 100 112 1 3 I I 160 161 162 21s 051 10 0 S 109 1 2 1 0 13 024 049 081 09 150 169 049 056...
Страница 51: ...f C AN _ SONY S ARCIiOICE DBS S ARCASF SUPER JID Or SIi A UNIdN ZENI H setupCodeNumber 4_P 450 422 44P _56 414 4PS 359 359 320 321 22 25 36 315 310 319 180 451 30O 350 31 313 31_ 118 413 481 331 3SP 3...
Страница 52: ...ARAGON PHIPS PION I_ PREi JD Prs SetupCodeNumber 001 00 011 04 048 OSP 059 110 11 212 021 012 014 021 0 I 112 11 _ OP I IP 09 014 014 111 069 090 08 084 026 0 _7 0 0 114 027 0 _7046 186 06 066 070 11s...
Страница 53: ...OSli A UNIKA UNrid CABI E UNIVRSA v EOWid V _S V_ R ZENIF i ZENF K setup CodeNumber O8 111 112 21 _ 0 _ 214 116 05 06 061 099 100 10 2 Z 06 I Is 0 _7 0 2 186 00 018 047 048 04 051 052 110 183 184 20 2...
Страница 54: ...K t o s s l ht rrT it_rtbuzzJrgiltu _ Iocalirt ri ur Moveuritora t rrlsaw Po co put _sfluousc rt liglts otois or tl r kctii ai a piiar s etkrs shi_t_ chsnr i i dkato Digital audk f d aus d r StrrT pi...
Страница 55: ...il e 41 _ J rT lW OdB dB iallsis t i_lt_frTi dlllatloIi Distortien IM Slew Rate FMTunerSection IOHz lOOkliz 3S Aps LJi Teasura le 87S iO80MHz IHVi i i 12 2dBF Mo o St leo 70i08dB Mo o St o 7Pi 3 40dB...
Страница 56: ...orsshown lot eachspeaker correspond to thematching outputterminal connection onthe backof theAVR325 seepage8 ConnectionsColorGuide AudioConnections Left Right Fron t _ Cen mr Surround Subwoofer Surrou...
Страница 58: ...f video used forthecurrently selected source Step6 Plugallcomponents into ACpower outlets Ihe outlets ontheback of theAVR325should beusedorJyforlow current products such asCDorDVD players andthetotals...
Страница 59: ...ical 3 inputs areonthefrontpanel of thereceiver Device Input Name Audio Input Connections Audio Output Connections Video Connections COPlayer CO DL Rkguts Optical Digital 1or 2 r r naxkal Digital I or...
Страница 60: ...harman kardon _ I1 A Harman International Company 25 i _ss_s Pslk Jw__ o iix_ New_xk i i 79 ii l i P_i NO _4 6040XX...