Step 10
Cut two lengths of fuel line (gas or glow to match engine
choice) approximately 12 inches long. Attach the tubing to
the fuel tanks pickup and vent tubes. Use masking tape marked
with a “P” (Pickup) and “V” (Vent) for identification on the
ends of the fuel lines.
Step 11
Wrap the fuel tank in protective foam. Feed the marked fuel
lines through the opening in the firewall and slide the tank into
place in the front of the fuselage. The stopper is oriented
towards the top and should line up with the hole in the firewall.
The foam placed around the fuel tank is used to isolate it from
vibration and hold the tank in place.
Step 12
Connect the fuel pickup line to the engine and secure the vent
line to the firewall. In this case we used a Hangar 9
Filler (HAN115) for ease of fueling when the cowl is in place.
Step 11 photo
Section 16: Assembly and Installation
of the Fuel Tank