Double-Wide Grill Side Freezer
Equipment Manual
Installation Instructions
The location of the meat freezer should be away from extreme heat and cold. A
minimum of 2 inches clearance should be allowed around the freezer to facilitate adequate
airflow to the compressor.
In order to provide adequate condensate drainage, it is imperative that the unit
be level. The floor where the unit is located should be level.
The refrigeration system is designed to operate in ambient temperatures of no
more than 100°F.
Upon receipt, examine the equipment carefully for any damage. If damage
has occurred, notify the carrier and H&K immediately.
Remove the unit from the plastic wrap and untie the electrical cord by
removing the holding tape. It is recommended that the unit remain crated until it has
reached the installation location.
For international markets, the installer must install the plug on the power cord of the
unit before the unit can be operated.
This manual is for the exclusive use of licensees and employees of McDonald’s Systems Inc.
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First Printed:
July 2005
/ Version