HQ Capri User Manual
| 27
(I) Up/Down/TieOff
The arrow buttons can assist in creating tieoff stitches,
basting, or needle-positioning functions without the use
of the foot pedal. Pressing and releasing the arrow button
quickly will send the needle to the next needle stop position.
If the needle is up, pressing the button will cause the needle
to move to the down position. If the needle is down, it will
return to the up position.
Pressing and holding the green arrow button for a longer
time creates a full stitch. The needle will continue to cycle
while holding the arrow button and stop when the button
is released. This action is useful for tieing off beginning and
ending stitches.
Main Screen Regulated Mode
Button Functions
e Machine is in Regulated Mode when the R is green.
Stitches Per Inch (SPI)
Pressing the “+” or “-” buttons in the mid left portion of
the screen will increase or decrease the stitches per inch
(SPI) setting. The setting is reflected in the white indicator
box between the “+” and “-” buttons. The value can be
adjusted between 4 and 22 stitches per inch.
Basting Stitches
There are four basting stitch settings controlled by the
stitches per inch function. After the SPI reaches its lowest
setting of 4 stitches per inch, pressing the “-” button will
activate the basting settings:
• 0.5-inch baste (one stitch every half-inch movement of the fabric over the table)
• 1-inch baste (one stitch every one inch movement of the fabric over the table)
• 2-inch baste (one stitch every two inches of movement of the fabric over the table)
• 4-inch baste (one stitch for every four inches of movement of the fabric over the table)
fter selecting the basting stitch setting, begin quilting by pressing the
Play button or by pressing down
on the foot pedal. As the fabric moves across the table, the machine will perform a stitch (needle down
and needle up) every half inch, one inch, two inches or four inches.
he stitch regulation mode (Precision or Cruise) which is selected will be indicated by the button
being green.