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The brightness portion of this screen has two buttons and
a sliding control. The LED Light Ring and light bar can be
turned on or off with the switch button associated with the
LED location. Use the slide bar to adjust the brightness of
each light.
Calculator Screen
A basic six-function calculator is provided. The functions
provided are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
square root, and percentage. Use the back space on the top
right to delete a digit mistakenly entered.
Diagnostics Screen
Six different diagnostics tests can be performed on the
machine. These functions test the motor control operation,
the foot pedal, and the internal position sensors.
• Motor Sensor Test
• Speed Sensor Test
• Motion Sensor Test (Stitch Regulation)
• Needle Sensor Test
• Tension Calibration
• Foot Pedal Test
Press the
Home button to return to the Main menu
screen or the
Tools button to return to the Diagnostics
screen option.