HAMTRONICS DE-202 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

©2002 Hamtronics, Inc.; Hilton NY; USA.  All rights reserved.  Hamtronics is a registered trademark.    Printed: 12/14/01 

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The DE-202 is designed to provide 

interface between computer equi p-
ment and a vhf or uhf fm receiver to 
allow reception of “202” modem type 
digital fsk transmissions at rates up 
to 1200 baud. The ‘202” type modem 
scheme uses audio tones of 2200 Hz 
(mark) and 1200 Hz (space) to trans-
mit digital information on simplex and 
half-duplex radio links. This is the 
type of transmission commonly used 
for packet radio and other computer 
based communications on the vhf and 
uhf bands.  

The DE-202 is ideal for use with 

packet radio TNC’s which have no in-
ternal modem, and it is also suitable 
for many other amateur and commer-
cial applications, such as telemetry, 
wireless alarm systems, and teletype. 
In addition to receiving and demodu-
lating the mark and space tones, the 
DE-202 also provides frequency com-
pensation to counteract the de -
emphasis circuits in the receiver, so 
that the two tones are applied to the 
detector at equal levels. This provides 
maximum sensitivity for clean rece p-
tion of weak signals.  

In addition to the DATA output 

from the DE-202, it also gives a re-
ceive carrier detect (ROD) handshake 
to the computer equi pment when a 
valid data signal is being received. 
Outputs are available for use with ei-
ther RS-232 or TTL computer inte r-
face. LED indicators on the board 
provide visual check of DATA and 
RCD status.  



Is straight forward using 

the di agrams and parts list. 

Following are some Items which 

should receive special attention. 

a.  Observe polarity of electrolytic 

capacitors, LED’s, IC, and socket. 

b.  The LED’s have a longer lead 

for the anode (positive side). Align 
them for polarity as shown in the di a-

c.  Resistor R16 has been added 

to the de sign after the pc board was 
made. it is installed in series with the 
base lead on Q1 as shown in the de-
tail drawing. Install Q1 on the board 
with emitter and collector leads in the 
board and the base lead out of the 
board. After installing R16 in the hole 
previously provided for the base lead, 
splice and tack solder the free end to 

the Q1 base lead as shown. 

d.  Resistors mounted standing up 

are shown on the diagram with a ci r-
cle indicating the position of the body 
and a line indicating the top lead go-
ing over to the other hole. 

e.  Terminal pins are supplied on 

a strip. Cut each one off the flashing 
metal, and install it in the board by 
pushing the pointed end through the 
board until the first set of dimples 
pops through the board to lock it in 
place. Be care ful not to crush the ba r-
rel. The open end of the terminal will 
be up when properly installed. You 
can grip one wall of the open end with 
needle-nose pliers to press the termi-
nal into the hole in the board. 

f.  In the original design of the ic, 

pin 9 was not used; so the pcb layout 
has a line running through that pad. 
We later found some ic’s in which pin 
9 is connected internally. Therefore, 


is necessary to remove the metal 

insert from pin 9 of the ic socket 

before installing it. 


The  heart of the unit is UI, which 

is a phase-locked loop detector. The 
center frequency is set by C2 and 
R1/R3. The bandwidth is set by the 
resistors and capacitors between pins 
7, 8, 11, and 12. The dc output at pin 
7 is low for mark (2200 Hz) and hi for 
space (1200 Hz). Inverter Q1 provides 
the correct output sense for TTL 
loads, and inverter/switch Q2 pr o-
vides output for RS-232 loads. 

Pin 5 provides a lo when a valid 

carrier is received, either mark or 
space. Q3 inverts this RCD signal for 
RS-232 loads. Note that R12 and R15 
provide -12V signal paths for RS-232 
outputs when Q2 or Q3 is turned off, 
so that the RS-232 output signals are 
+12V instead of just +12V and 
ground. Such a symmetrical voltage 
swing above and below ground is be t-
ter than using ground as one of the 
logic states to avoid problems with 
noise and hum on the ground leads 
between equipment. 

The audio input for U1 is taken 

usually from the detector (discrimina-
tor) of the fm receiver. An fm receiver 
designed for voice operation has de -
emphasis, which provides roll-off of 
high freque ncies to be the reciprocal 
of a pre-emphasis curve in the trans-
mitter. This is done to enhance voice 
communications with weak signals. It 
turns out not to be advantageous to 

do this for data signals transmitted in 
fsk modulation; so C1 is deliberately a 
small value in the DE202 in order to 
counteract the high frequency drop-off 
in the receiver. This avoids having to 
modify the receiver in order to opti-
mize it for data reception. 




TTL  RS-232 


MARK 2200Hz  




SPACE 1200Hz 









Protective gnd 


Transmit data 


Receive data 


Req to send 


Clear to send  


Signal grounds 

< > 






Rcv carrier detect  8 



*MO-202 is the companion Data Modulator. 


Once construction is completed 

and the board has been checked for 
wiring errors and bad solder joints, 
the module may be mounted to the 
chassis. The preferrable location is 
close to the receiver to provide short 
hook-up wire connection the the de-
tector in the receiver. The unit was 
designed for easy mounting at the 
right-hand side of Hamtronlcs receiver 
modules, adjacent to the detector ci r-
cuitry. The module may be mounted 
with 4-40 screws in the four 1/8-inch 
mounting holes in the corners of the 
board. Although the length of leads to 
the computer equipment and power 
supply are not critical, it is good prac-
tice to keep the audio lead from the 
detector circuits as short as possible 
to avoid getting noise and hum into 
the receiver audio output stage; so it 
would be good to keep the DE-202 
next to the receiver. In se lecting the 
location, be sure to allow for access to 
the trim pot used to adjust the fre-
quency of the phase -locked loop, R3. 
When the unit is to be mounted in an 
rf tight box, the DE-202 is designed 
for mounting at the right-hand side of 
the receiver with room behind the DE-
202 for potentiometer adjustment. 


Power connections depend on 

whether the unit will be used with TTL 
or RS-232 computer inte rface. For 
TTL interface, only a positive supply 


