HAMPTON BAY HB1453E Скачать руководство пользователя страница 1

Содержание HB1453E

Страница 1: ...fore installing and operating your room air _nditioner AI IClONA A__JAL 8 P ETAH_O Por favor lea 1as instrucciones de operaci6n y las precauciones de seguridad cuidadosa y totalmente antes de instalar y operar su a_ndicionador de aire de ventanao MODEL MODELO HBLG1453E Manufactured by LG Elledro nics ...

Страница 2: ... find many answers to c_mmon prob ems in the d_ar rlOf 1 roublesh_ing tips If you review our chart of Troublieshootin 9 Tips t irs_ you may not need to call for service at all PRECAUTION O_ct the a_h_ized servi_ technician 1_ r_a_ _t_an_ ofthis unit Contact the instai_r for instal_t ien of this unit _e air condttioa_ is not intended f_ u_ by young chi_ren _ invalids w_hout _vi_ Young children shou...

Страница 3: ...e harm or _mage The seriousness is classified by the foBowing i_iications Meanings of s ym_ls used in this manua_ are as shown below I Bo o onot Bie sure to follow the instruction Ins llation No installation may cause fire and electric shock accident _t may cause fire and electric shock I t may cau_ explos ion or fire it may cause failure and electric shock ...

Страница 4: ...eneration Othe_ise it may cau_ fire and electlic shock accident it wil lcause eiectric shock or fire due to heat get ration I twill cause electdc shock or fire Itwill cause electric shock or fire due to heat gestation o It may cau_ fire and electdc shock No groundir _ may cause etectdc shock See installation Manual lit will _use electdc shock ...

Страница 5: ...s not designed to ca _e entire house CAUT ON it may cause failure of appliance or accident It may _u_se explosion fire and burn If _eaving appliance damaged there is concern of damage due to the falling of produG Operation Sharp It may cause electric shock an damage Prevent accidental sta_up andthe possibility of injury ...

Страница 6: ...igh _ed during operation it may cause injury Operation withoutfilters wi ll _use failure This _u d iinjure the _t or plant it is an air conditioner not a precision refrigeration system The ap_arance of tPe air _ndit oner may deteriorate change color or develop surfa_ flaws lit contains containments and will make you sick This _u d damage your h_ th ...

Страница 7: ...ygen deficiency ventil_e _e room when using t_ethet with stoves or other Do not use this air _nditioner for _nomspecifiedspecial purposes e g presew ng precision devices food pets plants and aR obiects Usage in such a manner _uld harm such property Do not use water to clean inside the air cond tioner Exposure to water can destroy _e insulation leading to possibie electric shock _en cleaning the un...

Страница 8: ...The mmo te control and contro _l will look like those repm_nt_ in the fol owtn gpictur_ S ...

Страница 9: ...lect a higher fan speed 3 steps High e Low e Med _ O _OFF TIMER The timer can be set to start and stop the unit i nhourly increments Lipto 12 hOUrS REMOTE CONTROL SE_R i_ Push oL_t the cover on the back of the remote control with your _umb _ Pay a_ention to poladty and insert two new AAA 15V batteries Reatt_ch the cover Do not u_ rech a_Me ba efi_ Make sure that _th _tt_ies are new In o_er to prev...

Страница 10: ...ioneCs louvers This can also increase 9_e coo_ingefficiency of _e air conditioner Adjustiing Horizonta Air Flow IDi_tion A_ustJngithe vertical louvers le_ qd right will change horizontal aidlow Adju_iing V_tica A r Flow Direction AdiusSng the hodzontaJ vane up and do_ will change vertical airflow The vane can _ adjust_ by nudging _e vane backward or forward Adjusting hoHzonta air f_ow Adjuring ver...

Страница 11: ...ling off e exposed door on the top of the unit based on installation Pui the tab siightiy to release the fi_ter Pull the filter iL_ the same dire ction as the openingi C _ean the fi_terw_lhwarm soapy water _e water should be below40 _ 104_ Ri_se off and gently shake off excess water from the filter Let it dry bebre replaceing it The base pan may ove low due to Ihighhumidity To drain _ e excess wat...

Страница 12: ...emove Risexcess water youcaninstal_ thedr_npanas detailed below CAB_NFr X Take the drain pan which is located in the air Remove the hole rubber from Me base pan for sorr_ models Install the drain pan to the right comer of the cabinet with 4 or 2 screws Connect the drain hose of 3 5 insi_ diameter to the outlet located at the bosom of the drain pan You can purchase the drain hose or tubing Ioc_ly t...

Страница 13: ... a guide to help to exp ain product f_tures You can choose be_n _o me_ods below ac_rding to your window stool shape and preference Fastenthe stopper using 2 screw hol es and lead out the _wer cord through sli t A _ Power _rd Fasten tilde stopper using lee screw hole and rotate properly to lead the power cord out _r o_Jghsift B ...

Страница 14: ...e louvers of the cabinet must remain expo_d to the outside oi the structure Install the unit a li_le s_antedso the back is slightly ower _an the front about i 2 This will force condensed water to flow to _e outside Instail the unit w_h the bottom a_ut 30 _60 above the floor _evei Aft suppoirt lg parts shodd _ secured tofirm _ mason_ or metal This unit is designed for ins tal_ationin standard _uble...

Страница 15: ...sides and at the back Sliide the unff from the cabinet by g_d_ng the ba_ _n ha_le and pulling foPward while bracing the canner Cut the window _stl seal to the proper ength Peel off the _cNng and at_ch the Foam Seal to the u_erside of the wi_ ow sash Remove t_ _c_ from fl_e top u_er guide Foam PE and _ach it to _e bosom of the Upper Guide Attac the u_r 9ui_ onto the top oif the _b i_t with 3 Type A...

Страница 16: ...sill bracket on the outer _g e of the window sill Tighten _ecarria_ bo_ and the bck nut Be _ure the cabinet slants outward C_inet Track ho_e si_ Type B Sill bracket Q Fig 2 CAUTION Do not drill a Ihole in the bosom _n The unit is d_igned to o_rate witlh Upper Guide approximately 1 2 e l water in bottom pialn Pull_e bosom win_aw sash down behind the Top re_iner bar u_il they meet Window st_l Fig 3 ...

Страница 17: ...C See Fig 6 Fro_ Angle Q Screw Ty_ B Fig 5 Slide _e unit into the cabi _et See Fig 7 CA_ON For security purpose reinstag screws Type A at cablnet s sides Power Cord Screw Fig 7 _ CUt _rle Foam stripto the proper length _d inseA between the upper window sash and _e bwer w_ndowsash See Fig i8 Fig 8 A_ach the Window locking bracket with a screw Type C See Fig 9 i 11 Wirldow locking b_ a cket Fig 9 ...

Страница 18: ...aching power cord to ei_rical out_et Line Cord Plug _ _Do not under any ij _ ircumsta_ces oat J_ _ _l or remove the _ _J I grounding prong Power supply cord w_h 3 prong grounding pilug Use Wall Receptacle Power Supply Standard 25V 3 wire grounding receptacle rated 15A 125V AC Use 15 AMP time delay _se or circuit breaker Use of extension cor_ B_ause of poten_al safety hazards we _rong_y dis_urage t...

Страница 19: ... e to assure a proper pola_ty _nnection CAUTION A_aching the adapter ground terminal to the wall re_ptacle cover screw do_ no_ ground the appliance unless the cover screw ts metal and not insul_ and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring The customer should have the circuit choked by a qual iad electrician to make sure the r_eptacle is properly groundiad Disconnect the power cord...

Страница 20: ...tioner Ma_e sure the plug is completely plugged into e outiet Check the fuse cirou_ breaker box and replace _e fuse or reset the breaker In the event of a power f_lure set _e power control to OFF When the power is restored wait 3 minutes to restart the air _nditioner to prevent the compressor from overloading Make sure there are no curtains blinds brn_ure or other ob_acles in fro_ of the air condi...

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