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Electric Knife
Couteau électrique
Cuchillo Eléctrico

Le invitamos a leer cuidadosamente este instructivo
antes de usar su aparato.

Read before use.

Lire avant utilisation.

Lea antes de usar.



When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should always be followed, including the following:

1.  Read all instructions.
2.  To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not

immerse motor unit, cord, or plug in water or other liquid.
Do not operate knife in water or under running water.

3.  Close supervision is necessary when used by or 

near children.

4.  Unplug cord from outlet when not in use, before putting

on or taking off parts, and before cleaning. Disconnect
when changing blades.

5.  Avoid contact with moving parts.
6.  Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or

plug, or after the appliance malfunctions or is dropped
or damaged in any manner. Call our toll-free customer
service number for information on examination, repair 
or electrical or mechanical adjustment.

7.  The use of attachments not recommended or sold by

the appliance manufacturer may cause fire, electric
shock, or injury.

8.  Do not use outdoors.
9.  Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter 

or touch hot surfaces, including the stove.

10. Disconnect when changing blades or cleaning.
11. Blades are sharp. Handle carefully. Unplug before 

handling blades. Always handle blades with hand away
from cutting edge. (See illustration in “How to assemble
and use”). Always store blades with cutting edge away
from you.












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In an effort to reduce paper waste, Hamilton Beach Brands, Inc., has
reduced the size of this Use and Care guide and made it available
online. We believe strongly in doing our part to help care for the envi-
ronment. To view Use and Care guides, recipes, and tips, please visit:

Aidez-nous à protéger l’environnement !

Dans le but de réduire la consommation de papier, Hamilton Beach
Brands, Inc. A réduit le format des manuels d’utilisation et d’entretien
et offre maintenant la version complète en ligne. Nous croyons ferme-
ment que nous contribuons à sauvegarder l’environnement. Pour voir
les manuels d’utilisation et d’entretien, les recettes et les conseils,
veuillez consulter le site :

¡Ayude a Hamilton Beach a Hacer la Diferencia!

En un esfuerzo por reducir el papel de desecho, Hamilton Beach
Brands, Inc., ha reducido el tamaño de este Uso y Cuidado y lo puso
disponible en línea. Creemos fuertemente en hacer nuestra parte para
ayudar a cuidar el medioambiente. Para ver guías de Uso y Cuidado,
recetas y consejos, por favor visite:

USA: 1.800.851.8900

Canada: 1.800.267.2826

México: 01.800.71.16.100


Other consumer safety information

This appliance is intended for household use only.


Shock Hazard: This appliance has a polarized 

plug (one wide blade) that reduces the risk of electric shock.
The plug fits only one way into a polarized outlet. Do not
defeat the safety purpose of the plug by modifying the plug 
in any way or by using an adapter. If the plug does not fit,
reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, have an electrician
replace the outlet. 

The length of the cord used on this appliance was selected to
reduce the hazards of becoming tangled in or tripping over a
longer cord. If a longer cord is necessary, an approved exten-
sion cord may be used. The electrical rating of the extension
cord must be equal to or greater than the rating of the appli-
ance. Care must be taken to arrange the extension cord so
that it will not drape over the countertop or tabletop where it
can be pulled on by children or accidentally tripped over.

Parts and features

1. Blade Release Button

2. On/Off Button

3. Motor Housing

4. Blade Storage Slot

5. Plastic Guard

6. Protective Sleeve for


(Always keep

on blades if blades are
not stored in blade

Cut Hazard.

Always unplug knife from

electric outlet before inserting, removing, or cleaning blades.
Never eject blades while knife is running. Blades are sharp;
handle carefully as directed below.


Unplug cord from electric outlet.


Firmly push blade release button. Grasp plastic guard and
carefully pull until blades release.


Carefully separate blades by sliding apart to disengage
rivet from keyhole.


Wash blades in hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry thoroughly.


After washing and drying, immediately place blades into
the protective sleeve for storage or use the blade storage.


Blade Storage:

If blades are

separated, connect at rivet. 
See “How to Assemble,” Step
1. With rivet facing up, away
from motor housing, slide 
blades into blade storage slot.


To clean motor housing and cord, wipe with a damp cloth
and then dry thoroughly.

WARNING! Shock Hazard.

Do not immerse knife motor

housing, cord, or plug in water or any other liquid.

How to assemble and use

Cut Hazard. 

Be sure to unplug knife

before removing or inserting blades and when knife is not
in use. The blades are extremely sharp. Always handle by
the side opposite the cutting edge, as illustrated, or by the
plastic guards.


If blades are separated, pick up by the plastic guard. Slide
the rivet on one blade into the keyhole slot in the other
blade until they are locked together.


Holding blades together at 
Plastic Guard with cutting 
edge down slide into 
motor housing until both 
blades click into place. 


Plug cord into outlet.


Hold knife by handle. Push On/Off button to operate. You
must hold the button “On” for the knife to operate.


To stop, release button.

This warranty applies to products purchased in the U.S. and Canada. 
This is the only express warranty for this product and is in lieu of any 
other warranty or condition.
This product is warranted to be free from defects in material and
workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of original
purchase. During this period, your exclusive remedy is repair or
replacement of this product or any component found to be defective, at
our option; however, you are responsible for all costs associated with
returning the product to us and our returning a product or component
under this warranty to you. If the product or component is no longer
available, we will replace with a similar one of equal or greater value.
This warranty does not cover glass, filters, wear from normal use, use
not in conformity with the printed directions, or damage to the product
resulting from accident, alteration, abuse, or misuse. This warranty
extends only to the original consumer purchaser or gift recipient. Keep
the original sales receipt, as proof of purchase is required to make a
warranty claim. This warranty is void if the product is used for other
than single-family household use.
We exclude all claims for special, incidental, and consequential
damages caused by breach of express or implied warranty. All liability
is limited to the amount of the purchase price. 

Every implied

warranty, including any statutory warranty or condition of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, is disclaimed
except to the extent prohibited by law, in which case such
warranty or condition is limited to the duration of this written

This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may have

other legal rights that vary depending on where you live. Some states
or provinces do not allow limitations on implied warranties or special,
incidental, or consequential damages, so the foregoing limitations may
not apply to you.
To make a warranty claim, do not return this appliance to the store.
Please call 1.800.851.8900 in the U.S. or 1.800.267.2826 in Canada 
or visit in the U.S. or in Canada.
For faster service, locate the model, type, and series numbers on your

Limited warranty

How to disassemble, clean, and store

• Move knife through the food. 

Do not

use a back and forth 

sawing motion.

• Let meats stand about 15 minutes after cooking and 

before slicing.

• Slice down to and around bone. 

Do not

attempt to slice 

through bone.


Do not

cut through frozen foods.


Do not

attempt to sharpen the serrated blades at home.

Replacement blades may be purchased from the appliance 

Hints for best results

Slicing guide 

(optional feature on selected models)

The slicing guide allows you to slice uniform slices, from thin
to thick. It is designed for both right- and left-handed use,
since it can be inserted into either side of the knife.


Before first use, carefully wash the blades and slicing guide
in hot, soapy water. Rinse and dry.


Make sure the knife is unplugged. Insert the blades as
instructed in “How to assemble and use.”


Insert the prongs of the slicing 
guide into the slots on the 
motor housing. See illustration. 

WARNING! Cut Hazard.

Unplug knife before attaching 
or removing the slicing guide.


Adjust slicing guide to desired 
thickness by sliding prongs 
into or out of slots.


When finished slicing, unplug
knife. Remove slicing guide by 
pulling straight out. Wash in hot, 
soapy water. Rinse then dry. 
Disassemble, clean, and store 
knife and blades as instructed 
in the following section.



Pendant l’utilisation d’appareils électriques, des mesures
de sécurité élémentaires doivent toujours être respectées,
incluant les suivantes :

1. Lire toutes les instructions.
2. Pour prévenir tout risque d’électrocution, ne pas

immerger l’appareil ouvre-boîte, le cordon ou la fiche
dans l’eau ou dans tout autre liquide. Ne pas faire
fonctionner le couteau dans l’eau ou sous l’eau

3. Une supervision vigilante est nécessaire pendant 

l’utilisation de tout appareil par ou près des enfants.

4. Débrancher le cordon de la prise dès la fin de l’utili-

sation, avant d’installer ou de retirer des pièces et
avant le nettoyage. Débrancher lors du changement
de lames.

5. Éviter de toucher des pièces mobiles.
6. N’utiliser aucun appareil dont le cordon ou la prise

est endommagé, ou à la suite de toute anomalie de
fonctionnement de l’appareil, d’une chute ou de tout
autre dommage. Appeler le numéro sans frais du
Service à la clientèle pour plus d’information à propos
d’une vérification, d’une réparation ou d’un réglage
électrique ou mécanique.

7. L’utilisation d’accessoires que le fabriquant ne vend

pas ou ne recommande pas peut occasionner un
incendie, l’électrocution ou des blessures.

8. Ne pas utiliser à l’extérieur.
9. Ne pas laisser pendre le cordon de la table ou du

comptoir et éviter que le cordon n’entre en contact
avec des surfaces chaudes, y compris la cuisinière.

10. Débrancher lors du changement de lames ou pour le


11. Les lames sont tranchantes. Manipuler avec soins.

Débrancher l’appareil avant de manipuler les lames.
Toujours manipuler les lames en tenant les mains
éloignées de l’arête. (Voir l’illustration au chapitre 
« Assemblage et utilisation »). Toujours ranger les
lames en dirigeant l’arête loin de vous.



Autre consigne de sécurité 
pour le consommateur

Cet appareil est conçu pour une utilisation domestique

Risque d’électrocution : Cet appareil est

doté d’une fiche polarisée (lame large) qui réduit le risque
d’électrocution. Cette fiche s’insère d’une seule manière
dans une prise polarisée. Ne pas transformer le dispositif
de sécurité de la fiche en modifiant celle-ci de quelconque
façon ou en utilisant un adaptateur. Si la fiche refuse de
s’insérer, inversez-la. Si elle refuse toujours de s’insérer,
faites remplacer la prise par un électricien.
La longueur du cordon installé sur cet appareil a été sélec-
tionnée afin de réduire les risques d’enchevêtrement ou de
faux pas causés par un fil trop long. L’utilisation d’une ral-
longe approuvée est permise, si le cordon est trop court.
Les caractéristiques électriques de la rallonge doivent être
équivalentes ou supérieures aux caractéristiques de l’ap-
pareil. Prendre toutes les précautions nécessaires pour
installer la rallonge de manière à ne pas la faire courir sur
le comptoir ou sur une table pour éviter qu’un enfant ne
tire sur le cordon ou trébuche accidentellement.

Handle carefully. Blades are sharp. Wash blades in hot, soapy
water. Rinse, then dry thoroughly. 

Before first use






