hs dock
Order h49 7144.907-333
7.5.4 Preparation of the product for installation of the tandem version
For installation of the tandem version, the product is needed
The product is supplied in assembled condition.
The following preparatory steps are needed to install product
1, installed on the machine table / the base plate.
If the lateral hydraulic ports are to be used to install product
1, the product needs to be prepared in the way described in
the »Preparation of the laterally mounted hydraulic port var-
iant of the product« chapter. For this, the swivel screw con-
nections need to be replaced with T-screw connections [not
included in the scope of delivery].
If the hydraulic ports on the underside of the product are to
be used to install product 1, the product needs to be pre-
pared in the way described in the »Preparation of the later-
ally mounted hydraulic port variant of the product« chapter.
This dispenses with the expander installation step and the
cap plug seals must remain in the product.
The following preparatory steps are needed to install product
2, installed on product 1.
Product 2 is prepared in the same way as preparation for the
use of lateral hydraulic ports [see »Preparation of the later-
ally mounted hydraulic port variant of the product« chapter].
7.5.5 Installation of the hydraulic port variant of the product to the underside of
the product
1. Depressurize the hydraulic unit.
Serious injuries caused by projectile workpieces,
ejected by incorrectly connected hydraulic ports!
The hydraulic connections on the machine and
the baseplate must be connected up correctly.
The »Clamping« hydraulic ports on machine and
baseplate must be connected together. The same
applies to the »Release« ports.
Serious injuries can be caused by escaping media
when seals and damaged / missing!
Replace missing or damaged sealing elements.
Ensure that the sealing elements do not fall out or
get damaged during installation / removal, and
apply a thin coat of grease if necessary.
2. If necessary, fit the baseplate to the machine table. To
do this, the hydraulic ports on machine and baseplate
must be aligned with one another.
3. Attach any lifting gear that may be required.