– 16 –
Recommended Tools
The following specialized tools are referenced
within this service guide and may be ordered
from GE Appliances.
WX05X10022 Socket
This is not an ordinary impact socket. This is
a shallow wall deep well 1-5/16 impact socket,
used to remove the washer hub nut.
WX05X00000 3/8 x 17-3/8th Socket Extension
The long socket extension is used for removing
the single action agitator bolt.
WX05X23817 Water Transfer Pump
The water transfer pump is used to remove water
from the tub should the drain pump need to be
removed. The transfer pump only comes with
one (1) hose. A standard washer hose can be
used for the outlet side of the pump. Part number
WX05X10028 Torque Limiter
The torque limiter tool is ONLY used with an
impact gun to achieve the proper torque 100-foot
pounds. Use the torque limiter when removing
or installing the hub nut to prevent damage to the
shaft and tube assembly.
WH05X25382 Strap Wrench
The strap wrench is used to remove the two-
stage agitator to access the agitator bolt.
Standard Tools
• 1/4” Nut driver
• 5/16” Nut driver
• 3/8” Socket
• 7/16” Socket
• 1/2” Socket
• 9/16” Socket
• 3/8" Drive Ratchet
• Electric impact gun
• Inch lb. torque wrench
• Foot lb. torque wrench
• Phillips screw-driver
• Putty knife
• Multimeter
• Needle-nose pliers