"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 36 von 130 Functions affecting several devices
Feedback for DALI error status
The DALI Gateway permits the error status feedback of the connected DALI devices. In case of failure,
the DALI components will send “lamp error” or “Error in device (e.g. electronic ballast error)” status
information to the DALI Gateway where it will be stored. The DALI Gateway provides all status
information via the “DALI error status” 1-byte collective feedback object 210 on the KNX/EIB side.
The data format of the collective feedback object is described in table 1.
6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Number of DALI device (0...63)
Lamp error (0 = no error, 1 = error)
Device error, e.g. internal electronic ballast error (0 = no error, 1 = error)
Table 1: Data format of the collective feedback object for DALI error status.
A feedback telegram will always transmit the status information of only one DALI device.
The bits 0...3 of the 1-byte feedback telegram identify the faulty device via the device number. The
numbers of all DALI devices are shown in square brackets in front of the device name in the
commissioning environment of the ETS plug-in or in the configuration report (print function) (e.g. [1] for
the first DALI device). By assigning a meaningful device name during the commissioning in addition to
the number (e.g. “[1] electronic ballast row 1 right”), it will be easy to identify which device at what
location actually is reporting the error. The device numbers will be automatically assigned during the
commissioning when searching for existing devices.
It has to be noted that the device number found in the plug-in or printed in the documentation is
counted in decimals from 1 to 64. The numbers given in the feedback telegram are equivalent from 0
to 63.
Bit 6 will be set in the feedback telegram if the applicable DALI device has detected a lamp error (e.g.
defect lamps, cable break to the lamp socket). In case of no lamp defect this bit is deleted (“0”).
Bit 7 of the feedback will be set if the identified device has reported a general error (e.g. internal
electronic ballast error) or if the applicable device can no longer be addressed via the DALI Gateway
(e.g. the device is disconnected from the DALI line). In case of no device error this bit is deleted (“0”).
As the master in the DALI system, the DALI Gateway will request periodically every second the status
of the connected devices (slaves) as soon as it is ready for operation. That means that in a system with
a maximum of 64 DALI devices, an error will be identified no later than after 64 seconds. An error
occurring in the device has to be eliminated (switch off mains voltage and follow the manufacturer’s
guidelines!). The DALI Gateway will automatically detect an eliminated error after the commissioning of
the repaired device and will remove the error status in the feedback.