"DALI Gateway C00Cx2" software
Functional description
Seite 27 von 130
4.2.4 Functional description Application basics
The DALI Gateway represents the interface between a KNX/EIB building installation and a digital DALI
(Digital Addressable Lighting Interface) lighting system. Normally, all DALI systems are room-oriented
and deal with the high demands on functional light management in, for example, offices, training and
conference rooms. Often, these applications make it necessary to incorporate the room-oriented DALI
system also into the KNX/EIB facility management across buildings. That makes it possible not only to
control the DALI lighting system via the sensor components of the KNX/EIB but also to incorporate the
shutter, heating and air conditioning systems already existent in the buildings into the light
A DALI system can address a maximum of 64 devices. The Gateway itself does not count as a device.
The DALI Gateway offers 32 KNX/EIB controllable groups that are parameterized in the ETS 3 similar
to a dimming actuator channel. There are several communication objects available at the bus that
permit, among other things, the switching, the dimming, the setting of brightness values or the time or
scene control of a group. During the DALI commissioning, the DALI devices (max. of 64) will be
optionally assigned one or several groups of the Gateway (cf. figure 5 on the following page). It is the
group assignment that makes it possible to control the DALI devices individually (individual assignment
– only one device in the group) or collectively (multiple assignment – several devices in a group) via the
A multiple assignment of DALI devices is possible for the groups 1...16 of the DALI Gateway. In this
case the addressing takes place at the DALI via group addresses that the DALI Gateway configures
“hidden” to the user. The DALI Gateway handles them independently. During the DALI commissioning,
all affected devices will be automatically programmed.
The groups 17...32 accept only individual assignments. Each group can be assigned only one DALI
device. In this case, the DALI addressing takes place via an internally specified individual address.
Only one device can be uniquely addressed via this individual address. This individual address will also
be automatically assigned by the DALI Gateway during the DALI commissioning.
The DALI commissioning takes place entirely via the plug-in embedded in the ETS 3 via the KNX/EIB
bus line. No additional tool and no special programming link is required.
The commissioning of the DALI devices as well as the DALI configuration or the DALI addressing takes
place fully automatic via the plug-in and the DALI Gateway. Only the assignment between the DALI
device and the group must be carried out ‘manually’ in the commissioning environment of the plug-in.
Different test or detection functions (separate switching on, switching off or blink function) available in
the plug-in make it also considerably easier to commission the different DALI devices.