Describing the PCS2 Device Components
P/N 85266-30, Manual revision: A
Modify Program key
This key is used to access and scroll the list of procedure parameters; it can be
pressed during any of the operating modes. Each time that this key is pressed, a
different program parameter will be displayed on the screen, along with the
current setting for that parameter. To modify the parameter setting, the operator
should use the Yes/No arrow keys.
YES/NO Arrow keys
These keys have a dual function:
Provide a response to a question-prompt from the PCS2 software.
Modify the parameter setting displayed on the screen.
To modify a displayed parameter value, the operator should:
Press the Yes
key (arrow up) to increase the value.
Press the No
key (arrow down) to decrease the value.
Save Program key
The operator can use this key to retain each modified value in the PCS2 memory.
If this key is pressed after a modification, the selected value will become the new
system default value until any further modification is made during subsequent
PCS2 collection procedures.
Cuff key
This key is located on the keypad next to the saline and plasma valve keys.
During procedure operation, the cuff will automatically inflate during the DRAW
mode and deflate during the RETURN mode. The cuff cannot be inflated during
the RETURN mode. The operator can use the key to manually control the pres-
sure cuff:
Prior to a procedure when performing the venipuncture
During the READY or DRAW modes, to modify cuff pressure.
Valve control
These keys can be used to manually control what would normally be the auto-
matic control of a valve, as in the case of manual saline compensation before the
final Return cycle. When a valve control key has been pressed, the key will be lit,
indicating that the valve is open. When it is re-pressed, the valve will close.
Saline key
This key can be used to manually control the saline (white) valve.
Plasma key
This key can be used to manually control the plasma (yellow) valve.