P/N 53063-30, Manual revision: B
Cell Saving using Manual Operation
Emptying the bowl
Once the red cells have been processed, the operator can send them to the
reinfusion bag as follows:
Press the Empty key.
When the system is advanced to the EMPTY state, the following information
will be displayed:
Figure 6-8, Example of the EMPTY state screen display (manual)
The message
Centrifuge stopping
will flash on the right side of the screen
until the centrifuge bowl comes to a complete stop. The concentrated RBCs
will then be pumped from the bowl to the reinfusion bag.
Reinfusing processed blood
Reinfusion of the processed blood to the patient can begin as soon as there
is an appropriate and safe level of blood in the reinfusion bag. Collection of
shed blood in the reservoir, filling the bowl, and reinfusion to the patient can
occur simultaneously throughout the procedure once the first cycle of
processed blood has been pumped to the reinfusion bag.
Important Warnings about reinfusing processed blood
Warning: The reinfusion bag MUST NOT become empty in between trans-
fusions to the patient. If air does enter the reinfusion line, it must be
removed before starting reinfusion.
The slide clamp between the reinfusion bag and the patient MUST be
closed between reinfusions. The white slide clamp on the blue line
between the reinfusion bag and the CS5+ device MUST NOT be closed.
Washed, packed cells are depleted of clotting factors. The physician must
monitor the quantity of washed cells returned to the patient and supple-
ment the washed, packed cells with fresh frozen plasma and platelets if
required for hemostasis.