LAST UPDATED: 05/04/2020
- Engagement Offset - Lathe - NGC
NGC Lathe - C- Axis Engagement Offset
The NGC Lathe C-axis, no longer uses tool change offsets for orienting the C-axis relative to the Spindle. When the C-
axis is commanded to engage, it commands the C-axis to its Zero position and commands the Spindle to the Spindle
Orientation position (which is established during the alignment process)
C-Axis Disc Runout Check/Adjust
Make sure the C-axis is disengaged (M155), and
the spindle can turn freely.
Loosen the bolts that hold the C-axis disc just
enough so that the runout of the disc and union
can be adjusted with a soft mallet. Verify that the
runout of the hydraulic union is less than 0.001"
TIR. If it is not, gently tap with the mallet until it is
within specification.
Once the runout of the union is within
specification, set the runout of the C-axis disc.
Place a small drill bit across the C-axis disc teeth
for the indicator to land on. This prevents the
indicator from interfering with the gear teeth.
Set the drill bit at four spots around the entire
diameter of the disc to measure the runout. If the
runout is greater than 0.001" TIR, tap the C-axis
disc with a soft mallet to bring it within
C-Axis - Engagement Offset - ST 15-30 - Lathe - NGC
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