Verification before power-on
Before powering on the router, verify that:
Make sure the power modules and fan tray are correctly installed.
The power cord is properly connected.
The input power voltage meets the requirement of the switch.
The console cable is properly connected, the terminal or PC used for configuration has started,
and the configuration parameters have been set.
If you use a CF card, make sure the CF card is firmly seated in slot.
Make sure the interface modules, if any, are correctly installed.
Powering on the router
Power on the router, and you can see the following information:
System is starting...
Press Ctrl+D to access BASIC-BOOTWARE MENU
Press Ctrl+T to start memory test
Booting Normal Extend BootWare........
* *
* H3C SR66 Routers BootWare, Version 1.12 *
* *
Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Hangzhou H3C Technologies Co., Ltd.
Compiled Date : Nov 14 2012
CPU Type : P4080
CPU L1 Cache : 32KB
CPU Clock Speed : 1500MHz
Memory Type : DDR3 SDRAM
Memory Size : 4096MB
Memory Speed : 650MHz
BootWare Size : 1024KB
Flash Size : 8MB
Nand Flash size : 512MB
NVRAM Size : 128KB
BASIC CPLD Version : 1.0
EXTEND CPLD Version : 1.0
PCB Version : Ver.A
BootWare Validating...
Press Ctrl+B to enter extended boot menu...
Starting to get the main application file--flash:/SR6602X.bin!
The main application file is self-decompressing.............................