Operation Manual – BFD-GR
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 BFD Configuration
1.7 BFD Configuration Examples
1.7.1 Configuring BFD for Static Routing
I. Network requirements
Switch A, Switch B, and Switch C are interconnected and reachable to one another.
Configure a static route on Switch A to Switch C and enable BFD.
II. Network diagram
Figure 1-2
Network diagram for BFD configuration on a static route
III. Configuration procedure
# Configure a static route on Switch A and enable BFD on it. Implement BFD through
BFD echo packets.
<SwitchA> system-view
[SwitchA] bfd echo-source-ip
[SwitchA] interface vlan-interface 10
[SwitchA-vlan-interface10] bfd min-echo-receive-interval 300
[SwitchA-vlan-interface10] bfd detect-multiplier 7
[SwitchA-vlan-interface10] quit
[SwitchA] ip route-static 24 bfd echo-packet
[SwitchA] quit
# Enable BFD debugging on Switch A.
<SwitchA> debugging bfd event
<SwitchA> debugging bfd scm
<SwitchA> terminal debugging
Enable BFD debugging on Switch A and tear down the link between Switch A and
Switch B to verify the configuration. The display shows that Switch A can quickly detect
the changes on Switch B.