Operation Manual – IPv6
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 IPv6 Basics Configuration
Reply from 3001::2
bytes=56 Sequence=5 hop limit=255 time = 60 ms
--- 3001::2 ping statistics ---
5 packet(s) transmitted
5 packet(s) received
0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 50/60/70 ms
1.12 Troubleshooting IPv6 Basics Configuration
I. Symptom
The peer IPv6 address cannot be pinged.
II. Solution
Use the
display current-configuration
command in any view or the
display this
command in system view to check that the IPv6 packet forwarding function is
Use the
display ipv6 interface
command in any view to check that the IPv6
address of the interface is correct and that the interface is up.
Use the
debugging ipv6 packet
command in user view to enable the debugging
for IPv6 packets and make judgment according to the debugging information.