Operation Manual – Information Center
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 Information Center Configuration
# syslogd -r &
Ensure that the syslogd process is started with the -r option on a Linux log host.
After the above configurations, the system will be able to keep log information in the
related file.
1.4.3 Outputting Log Information to the Console
I. Network requirements
Log information with a severity higher than informational will be output to the
The source modules are ARP and IP.
II. Network diagram
Figure 1-3
Network diagram for sending log information to the console
III. Configuration procedure
# Enable information center.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] info-center enable
# Specify the channel to output log information to the console (optional, Console by
[Sysname] info-center console channel console
# Disable the output of log, trap, and debug information of all modules to the log host.
[Sysname] info-center source default channel console debug state off log state
off trap state off