| Intended use
This product has left our company in a technical perfect status. To retain
this status and for safe operation of this product the user has to pay attention
to the safety remarks and warnings included in this manual.
Please read this manual carefully! It contains important information on the
commissioning and handling of the product. Please bear this in mind, even if
you pass it on to other people! The law requires that this manual contains im-
portant information for your safety and describes how the unit can be used
safely, avoiding damages to the unit and other instalments. This manual is a part
of the device and should be kept in a safe place for future reference. For de-
fects, which occurred due to not following the manual, the guarantee will not
apply. Therefore, for any such defects the manufacturer shall not accept any
product liability. To avoid malfunctions and damages, please pay attention to
the following safety instructions:
Repairs of the unit should only be performed by a specialist!
Dispose of the packaging material that is not needed. Children might play with
the plastic bags and risk suffocation.
The unit and its components should not be handled by children and infants.
The unit should only be opened by a specialist. Detach the device
from the mains before opening it. Opening the device will reveal components
which have a live current and can be hazardous to your health when touched.
The intended use of the device is the detection of changes in water level with
the help of the accessory sensor. If the sensor comes in contact with water the
relay will switch and activate a warning signal, a solenoid valve or start a pump.
Any other use of the device is not permitted.
When handling electrical devices using all valid VDE regulations must be ob-
served, in particular VDE 0100, VDE 0550/0551, VDE 0700, VDE 0711 and VDE
Before opening the device, make sure that the device is disconnected from
the power supply.