mega macs PC
Burden of Proof on the User
The burden of proof is on the user of the device, that he has paid attention to technical explanations, notes on
operation, equipment care as well as maintenance and safety without exception.
Data Protection
The Customer agrees that its data may be stored for implementing and executing the contractual relationship and that
technical data may be stored for performing data audits relevant to data security, statistical analysis and quality
control. The technical data shall be stored separately from personal data and shared only with our contractors. We are
obliged to treat all customer data that we receive confidentially. We may only disclose customer data if statutory
provisions permit or require such disclosure or if the Customer has agreed.
2.2.4 Documentation
The notes given in the device describe the most common fault reasons. However, there are often further reasons for
existing faults, which cannot be listed here, or there are further sources of error, which are unknown yet. The Hella
Gutmann Solutions GmbH is not liable for failed or unnecessary repair work.
The Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH does not accept any liability for the usage of data and information that are found
to be incorrect or that were incorrectly displayed, also for errors that occurred inadvertently during the compilation of
the data.
Notwithstanding the above, the Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH does not accept any liability for any losses in relation
to loss of profit, goodwill, or any other loss, including financial loss.
Hella Gutmann Solutions GmbH accepts no liability for damages or operating trouble resulting from failure to observe
the "mega macs" user manual and the special safety precautions.
The burden of proof is on the user of the device, that he has paid attention to technical explanations, notes on
operation, equipment care as well as maintenance and safety without exception.