Mixers - replaceable RA models
2. Technical Data
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T e c h n i c a l D a t a
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General description
Fields of application:
- Stirring of liquid to prevent the suspended substances and solids from settling and stir-
ring the wine yeast for biological acid reduction.
- Preparing uniform liquid mixtures also using different specific weights.
- Clarifying and homogenising the liquid during the diluting procedure.
- Mixing liquids with solid or gaseous products e.g. for distributing fining agents, sulphur-
ous acid or carbonic acid.
- Emulsifying sterile products and homogenised distillates
- Accelerating reactions and dissolving processes such as e.g. influencing fermentation
by dissolving sugar and sugar solutions.
- Enhancing the efficiency of the impact of heat and cold, e.g. equal liquid interspersion
for cooling procedures.
- Activating the weak fermentation yeasts.
Product-specific data:
> 20 baumé =36,34 Brix
1,2° Engler = 4 centipoise
(in accordance with a 36% 1.2°Engler = 4 centipoise sugar solu-
tion at 20°C)
Temperature range:
from -20°C to 120°C
(product-specific, seal-specific)
Pressure range:
• pressure-less (Standard)
• max. 10 bar
(Pressure may only be applied with a specific agitator shaft and flange
housing fastener! Please consult with )
Noise emission:
< 70 dB (A)
Protection class:
IP 54