USB Accelerometer Model X16-1C
“samplesperfile” defines the number of data lines each file can have before a new file is created. This
tag controls the size of the data files into easily manageable lengths for later processing. This setting is
loaded as a signed 32-bit integer, which can translate into very large data files. The user should
exercise caution before setting large files and test the end-user application for data limitations.
The “samplerate” tag defines the data rate in Hertz, or samples per second. Valid sample rate settings
are 12, 25, 50, 100, and 200 Hz. At 100 Hz or greater, the configuration file should also include the
“microres” tag to provide the best timing precision (see section
starttime and stoptime
The X16-1C starts and stops data recording based on the times defined using the “starttime” and
“stoptime” tags. The times must be in “DD MM HH” 24-hr format with the three entries separated by
a space. Entries marked with “*” operate as a wild card. The X16-1C continues to record after the
start time unless defined otherwise by the stoptime tag. Note that the configuration option does not
include the month. Example timing configurations:
Example 1
: On the 15
day, start recording at 12:30pm and stop
recording at 6:00pm.
starttime = 30 12 15
stoptime = 00 18 15
Example 2:
Start recording at the beginning of every hour and stop
recording 45 minutes later.
starttime = 00 *
stoptime = 45 * stoponvusb
The “stoponvusb” tag stops data logging operations when a 5v supply is detected on the USB
connector. By default, the device switches power from the internal battery to the USB 5v and
continues to log data. statusindicators
The brightness intensity of the LED status indicators is defined using the “statusindicators” tag and
valid settings of “normal”, “high”, and “off”.
January 2012 Rev New
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