4. Typical application wiring, connection of terminals
DTR and RTS signals are specified for regulator supply. In case of insufficient performance of the
PC communication port it is necessary to use an external power source.
5. Description of device function and setting
Information from regulator is available directly through LCD or you can read them with one of
next communication protocols ( Modbus RTU, Advantech-ADAM ).
5.1. Device setting from the manufacturer
communication protocol:
Modbus RTU
regulator address:
communication speed:
9600Bd, no parity, 2 stop bits
Value assigned to Relay1 and Relay2:
Password for setting through keys (PASS):
temperature (temperature/pressure)
– by device type
relative humidity / dew point temperature
0 hPa
(absolute pressure)
dew point
stay unchanged at previous condition
LED diode lights if input contact is open
LCD display:
value shown at first LCD line:
value shown at second LCD line:
temperature unit:
pressure unit:
correction for altitude:
computed value preset:
relay response for error:
signalization of binary inputs status:
acoustic alarm: