Start the pump and measure the quantity of liquid
or the outlet pressure.
Stop the pump and interchange two phases in
the power cable.
Restart the pump and measure the quantity of
liquid or the outlet pressure.
Stop the pump.
Compare the results of steps 1 and 3. The
connection which gives the larger quantity of
liquid or the higher pressure is the correct
direction of rotation.
Procedure 2:
Let the pump hang from a lifting device such as
the chain used for lowering the pump into the pit.
Start and stop the pump while observing the
movement (jerk) of the pump.
If connected correctly, the pump jerks
If the direction of rotation is wrong, interchange
two phases in the power cable.
Jerk direction
6.4 Resetting the pump
To reset the pump, switch off the power supply for a
minute, then switch it on again.
7. Storing the product
For periods of storage the pump must be protected
against moisture and heat.
After a period of storage, inspect the pump before
putting it into operation. Make sure that the impeller
can rotate freely. Pay attention to the condition of the
shaft seals, O-rings and the cable entries.
Leave the cable-end protectors on the
power and control cables until starting the
electrical connection. Whether insulated or
not, the free cable end must never be
exposed to moisture or water. Non-
compliance with this may cause damage
to the motor.
If the pump is being stored for more than
one month, turn the impeller at least every
month to prevent the seal faces of the
lower mechanical shaft seal from seizing
If you do not do this, the shaft seal may be
damaged when the pump is started.
If the impeller cannot be turned, contact
Grundfos or an authorised service
Crushing hazard
Death or serious personal injury
Do not turn the impeller by hand.
Always use an appropriate tool.
8. Maintenance and service
8.1 Maintenance schedule
Before initial startup or after a longer period of
Check the insulation resistance.
Check the fill level in the sealing chamber.
Check possible damage on the axial face seal.
Monitor the power input and voltage.
Check the used switchgears for
resistance and sealed space control.
Every six months:
Inspect the power supply cable.
Inspect the cable holder and wiring.
Inspect the accessories, such as the suspension
device and hoisting gears.
After 3000 operating hours:
Perform visual check of the pump and inspect
the wear ring.
Check the oil level and condition. Change the oil.
Change the shaft seal in case of water ingress or
oil leakage.
Check the hydraulic components and wear
ring for wear. Replace if necessary.
After 8 000 operating hours or two years:
Check the insulation resistance
Empty the leakage chamber. Not available for
all models. For more information, contact
Inspect all safety and control devices.
Check the coating and touch-up as required.
After 15 000 operating hours or five years:
General overhaul.
English (GB)