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Copyright © 2020 Green-GO
MCXD user guiDe
Send Hold Chn 1-32 // Send a Hold cue to the selected channel
Send Go Chn 1-32 // Send a Go cue to the selected channel
Normally Closed/Normally Open // Set the Normal state of the switch
Normal Open: then the switch is not activated except when the condition is met.
Normal Closed: then the switch is not deactivated except when the condition is met.
In 2: //Settings for GP input 2
Same as In 1
Out 1: //Settings for GP Output 1
Exit// Go Back
Func: //Select what function should trigger the switch connected to Output 1 Active, Call, Cue
Receive, Talk
Option: //Specify the action causing the trigger
When Func = Active : Any Channel, Channel 1 – 32 // Activity on any channel or a specific
When Func = Call : Any Channel, Channel 1 – 32 // A Call on any channel or a specific channel
When Func = Cue Receive: Hold, Hold Blink, Att, Att Blink, Go, Go Blink, Hold/Att, Hold/Att
Blink, Hold/Go, Att/Go
What kind or kinds of Cue status’ should trigger the switch and how. When the selected con-
dition is received then it will either be active or blink
When Func = Talk: Any Channel, Channel 1 – 32 // Locally enabled Talk on any channel or a
specific channel
Normally Closed/Normally Open //What is the Normal state of the switch
Normal Open: then the switch is not activated except when the condition is met.
Normal Closed: then the switch is not deactivated except when the condition is met.
Test: //Test if hardware connection works without having the FOption occurring. -, Closed,
Out 2: //Settings for GP Output 2
Same as Out 1
– Set User: //Select the user to be used with for the device
Cancel//Go Back
’User A - Z’
– Connection: //Set the connection type for the device to use.
When entering this menu you will go to the menu of the selected connection type, which is either: Local
connection, Remote connection or Master connection.
Local Connection: Local Connection is normal operation
// A click here will send you to Local/Remote/Latency/Master connection choice menu.
Save //Save settings
Cancel //Go Back
Remote Connection: //Remote connection is used when connecting to a remote site via a Bridge at that
location. The device becomes a complete member of that location.
// A click here will send you to Local/Remote/Latency/Master connection choice menu.
Password: //Set the password for the connection
Turn knob to scroll, click turn knob to select, Tool key exits.
Enter password; 8 digits available,A-Z,a-z,0-9,!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,(,),
Generate Password://Selects random password
Remote Port: // Select remote port
Turn knob to scroll, click turn knob to select, Tool key exits.
Remote IP: //Select remote IP
Turn knob to scroll, click turn knob to select, Tool key exits. Backup: Off //If enabled and the con-