Great Plains Manufacturing, Inc.
Operating Instructions
Marker Operation
Optional markers are equipped with a double-selector
valve, on the tongue near the hitch, to combine the
box-fold circuit with the marker circuit. On a 2-outlet
tractor, there is a second selector valve, for the lift
circuits, mounted above the marker/fold selector.
After drill is unfolded for field operation, move
double-selector valve handle from forward fold
to marker circuit (back
). Before operating
markers, make sure they are properly bled as described
Single Marker Operations
To operate a single marker, activate tractor remote
hydraulic lever to move marker in desired direction.
Single markers are equipped with a needle valve to
control marker folding speed. Excessive folding speed
can damage markers, so adjust needle valve to a safe
operating speed as described under “
Dual Marker Operations
Dual markers are equipped with an automatic sequence
valve to control lift sequence. Starting with both markers
up, the sequence is:
• Activate hydraulic lever; right marker lowers while left
marker stays up.
• Reverse hydraulic lever; right marker raises while left
marker stays up.
• Activate hydraulic lever; left marker lowers while right
marker stays up.
• Reverse hydraulic lever; left marker raises while right
marker stays up.
Pattern repeats.
Folding speed of dual markers is adjusted with
adjustment screws on sequence-valve body. Excessive
folding speed can damage markers, so adjust markers to
a safe folding speed as described under “
Figure 38
Fold / Marker Selector