Great Plains
| 195-440M | 2019-05-03
Maintenance and Lubrication
Wing Box Alignment
1. Place a block ahead of the wing gauge wheels.
2. Pull forward against blocks to rock wing frames
back. Pull forward until stop bolts are firmly
against toolbars.
3. Check for proper alignment by running a string line
across back of drill toward outer ends of wings.
4. For proper alignment, outside ends of boxes
should be about 1in (2.5cm) ahead of inside ends .
5. To adjust box alignment, shorten or lengthen stop
bolts to change the contact point with the toolbars.
Loosen jam nut and thread stop bolt in or out. Adjust
stop bolts in or out until outside ends of boxes are
1in (2.5cm) ahead of inside ends.
6. Tighten jam nut.
Figure 83
Stop Bolts (Wings Folded)
Figure 84
Wing Box Alignment Measurement